Hare are some reasons people do not keep the Lord's Word:
→ they have never heard it
→ they didn't believe it
→ they didn't receive it
One of the major mistakes that each generation makes to a lesser or greater extent is to fail to teach and preach the Gospel to new generations.
But even if believers did their job perfectly there would still be a number of people who chose not to believe the Gospel.
Among those who did believe the Gospel would be some number which did not receive the Gospel.
Those who have never heard the Gospel cannot Keep His Word.
Those who believe the Gospel may or may not Keep His Word.
Those who receive the Gospel open their hearts to it and in so doing actually Keep His Word.
We can't Keep His Word just in our minds.
We must Keep His Word in our hearts.
So, every person who is Born Again of the Holy Spirit by the Word must not only hear the Word and believe the Word, but they must also receive the Word.
Many Christians do not understand the connection between the Word, the Truth and the Holy Spirit.
→ the Word Of The Lord is Truth
→ the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Truth
→ the Word is the expression of the Holy Spirit
When a believer understands that the Word and the Holy Spirit are one, they receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.
When a person rejects either the Word or the Holy Spirit they have rejected Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
If this sounds harsh listen to the following:
So, every believer must confess that Jesus is the Incarnate Word if they want to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit by the Word.
It should make sense to those following this discussion that to deny the Written Word is to deny the Incarnate Word is to deny the Holy Spirit who inspired the Written Word and begot the Incarnate Word.
There is no room for a failure of faith in Christianity. It is all about faith.
→ faith in the Word Of The Lord
→ faith in Christ Jesus
→ faith in His Holy Spirit in us
How do we know who Jesus is?
By the Word Of The Lord - the Gospel.
How do we what is Truth?
By the Word Of The Lord - the Gospel.
How do we know who the Holy Spirit is?
By the Word Of The Lord - the Gospel.
So, we see that everything depends on our respect for the Word Of The Lord. Those who claim to be of Christ and yet deny His Word are deceived.
You cannot receive Christ Jesus without receiving His Word.
You cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit without receiving His Word ( Incarnate Word and Written Word).
So, to Keep His Word is to hear it, to believe it and to receive it so that your faith is totally in it.
But what about obedience to the Word. Isn't that what keeping the Word is all about?
You will not be obedient to that which you disagree with - that which you have not believed or received.
You can not be obedient to the Word by yourself. You must be empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in Truth and live by Truth.
So, we aught to stop focusing on obedience to the Word and begin to dig in on knowledge, understanding, and faith in the Word.
Out of knowledge, understanding and faith in the Word will come obedience to the Word by the working of the Holy Spirit in us.
Using the example of an enlisted man we know that the military is not content with just teaching a recruit what it means to be a soldier.
Rather, they train and discipline the recruit until he not only knows what to do, but he does it instinctually. At that point, he is a soldier.
Faith comes by hearing the Word Of The Lord. It doesn't come in one pushup. It comes by immersion into the Word until one's mind is transformed by it.
Once we are transformed the Word Of The Lord has become our Word.
And then we Keep His Word!
A person who gives their word must keep it to maintain their integrity.
But the person to whom the word is given must also keep it in the sense that they count on it, they trust in the integrity of the person giving it.
Have you ever 'loaned' something to someone knowing that they would not pay it back? Not a comfortable feeling is it?
The debtor loses stature in our eyes and we just write-off the debt as a 'gift'.
Such are sad transactions bringing disappointment to the giver and guilt to the debtor.
But when we are approached by someone with impeccable integrity we help them to the extent possible in full assurance that they will repay.
That is a wonderful transaction blessing both the giver and the receiver.
Our transactions with the Lord should be of the latter type.
→ when we ask Him we know that He will give
→ when we receive we pay Him back
Wait a minute, do we have to pay the Lord back? Yes!
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Truly I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me. |
The Lord does not need what we need in the Physical Realm, but those whom He loves do.
So the way we do our part and Keep His Word when we have been blessed is:
→ to thank Him and Praise Him
→ to look for opportunities to bless others in Hi name
In such a relationship we Keep His Word by not only hearing it, believing it and receiving it, but we do His Word.
This is His will for our lives.