In order for all of us to have a Happy New Year in 2020 the following points need to be understood very clearly:
1. Any person who promotes or votes for legislation in violation of the Constitution is an enemy of the people.
2. Any law that violates the Constitution is unConstitutional and is therefore invalid.
3. Any person who attempts to enforce an unConstitutional law is an enemy of the people.
4. The government is of the people, by the people and for the people or it is invalid.
-- Expansion of point 3....
Anyone who is in law enforcement, the military or government at any level needs to read the Constitution and understand that their ultimate responsibility is to the Constitution - NOT to their commander, Following orders does not exonerate a person for committing crimes against the people.(see Nazi Germany) Do not allow yourself to become an enemy of the people for your paycheck's sake. Decide now where your loyalty is so that you remain a true American and a servant of the people.