# | Item | Description |
1 | Federal | Central government - see Federalism |
2 | Federal Government Legitimacy | Is the Federal Government of the United States legitimate? |
3 | Federalism | A system of government where states give up some of their powes to a central governmentr |
4 | Federalist | One who believes in (and trusts) strong Federal Government |
5 | Federalist Papers | 85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788 |
6 | Federal Land | Land owned and controlled by the Federal Government |
7 | 4 - Godly Fear | The Fear of the Lord |
8 | 4 - Sky Is Not Falling | The Sky Is Not Falling |
9 | Administrative State | The career federal employees who manage and work for the agencies |
10 | Agency Weaponization | Using unelected Government agencies to violate the Constitution |
11 | America Eulogy | The Death of America - what happens next |
12 | A O D Info | Information on AOD transmissions |
13 | Black American | Black over American attitude |
14 | Bureaucrat | A person who is employed by the Government or one who encourages Government employment |
15 | Capitol | Used as a Church |
16 | Celebrity | A well known person |
17 | Charlie Reese Column | Charlie Reese last column for Orlando Sentinel |
18 | Civil War | What was it really about? |
19 | Con - Federate | Against excessive concentration of Power ; against Federalism |
20 | Confederacy | The union of states who opposed excessive centralized control - CSA |
21 | Con Federalism | Against Federalism |
22 | Confederate | Joined by agreement rather than by force |
23 | Confederate Honor | CSA was For the Constitution |
24 | Confederation | Group joined together for economic or political reasons |
25 | Conservation | Good idea, bad implementation |
26 | Constitution | The Constitution of the United States |
27 | Constitutional Capitalism | Capitalism that operates by the Constitution |
28 | Constitution Catechism | Arthur Standburry Constitution Catechism |
29 | Corrective Law | Short term law to correct a specific evil |
30 | Counter Revolution | A Revolution to stop and reverse a Revolution |
31 | CSA | Confederate States of America |
32 | Destroy Culture | To destroy the current Culture instead of building the one you envision |
33 | Dismantle | To take apart; disassemble; tear down. |
34 | DMV | Is this is a Federal or State agency? |
35 | Election | 2016 Presidential Election |
36 | Election And Persecution | 1st Amendment Rights |
37 | End Game | That part of a contest which accomplishes the goal of the contest |
38 | Eunuch | A man who has been castrated, |
39 | FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
40 | FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
41 | FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
42 | Foreign And Domestic | Enemies of the Constitution of the U.S. |
43 | Getting On Board | Committing to a path and destination |
44 | Going Communist | America sold its freedom and future in exchange for subsidies |
45 | Government | Government |
46 | Governmentand Open Source | Government and Open Source |
47 | Graft | Using Political Power for personal gain |
48 | H.R.610 | Reducing the power of the Department of Education |
49 | Harry Reid | Harry 'the weed' Reid |
50 | Historical Fascism | Historical Fascism |
51 | Immoral Majority | It appears that most Americans are patently immoral |
52 | Is America Great? | America looks in the mirror |
53 | Islamand Founding Fathers | Franklin, Adams and others on Islam |
54 | Joseph Mc Carthy | Joseph Raymond McCarthy 1908-1957 |
55 | Judy's_ Day Care_ Case | Judy's Day Care Case |
56 | Law | A system of rules which have Consequences |
57 | Legislature | A body of persons empowered to effect laws |
58 | Marriage | Union of a male and female in holy matrimony |
59 | Memorial Day | The day we honor those who gave their lives in battle for our Freedom |
60 | Molech | The fire into which children were thrown to appease Baal |
61 | Nancy Pelosi | Nancy Pe-Loser |
62 | National Defense | Defending America |
63 | Omnibus | A single vehicle for transportation |
64 | Pet | An Animal that is the object of human love |
65 | Pets, Homeless, Welfare | How Animals can fix the homeless and welfare problems |
66 | Politicize | To attempt to effect policy in every area of life |
67 | President Rush | What if Rush was president and Glen were vice-president |
68 | Private Property | Property which is documented as owned by a non-government entity |
69 | Racism 4 | Slavery is not the cause of Racism |
70 | Regime | A government, especially an authoritarian one |
71 | Revolution I I | The Second American Revolution |
72 | Rights Violation | What option is there for a person whose rights are violated? |
73 | Secession | The act of leaving a group and breaking ties |
74 | Senadir | Senator working as a Federal Bureau director |
75 | Special Interest | Any group which elevates its priorities above the good of the country |
76 | Swamp | The entrenched, elitist, corrupt machine that runs the country - Washington D.C. |
77 | Test Case | An example of a larger class for evaluation purposes |
78 | Things Sacrificed To Idols | Things sacrificed to Idols |
79 | Two Americas | There are two Americas and they are divisible |
80 | U S Grant | Ulysses Simpson Grant |
81 | Voter - I Dredo | A redo of the Federal office elections |
82 | Voting Rights | Voting Rights for a sane representative goverernment |
83 | Washington D C | The capital city of the United States |
84 | You Might Be A Bureaucrat | You Might Be A Bureaucrat |