[ Created: 2015-12-23 08:10:38  Updated: 2023-06-22 17:12:52 Owner: rl ]
Title: Political thoughts to a politician    



Hey Paul,

I consider you an exception among politicians.   However being an insider you are like the others in failing to realize that real Americans are ready for a revolution.   We look to Trump as being the leader of a peaceful one.   He may or may not be elected.   He may or may not effect the necessary changes if elected.   The level of frustration is ramping up day by day as liars, hypocrites and fools rule with impunity.   

Here's what real Americans want to see happen in government:

  • LESS government
  • MORE freedom
  • term limits (no career politicians)
  • eliminate most laws on the books*
  • line item voting to create the budget
  • empowerment of local governments
    • education
    • welfare
    • infrastructure
    • public safety

As you know God gave the law to make us aware of sin.   Jesus reduced the laws to 2: Love God and do unto others.   The government has no business enforcing the first.   However the second one can effectively replace all civil laws.   With judges placed in office by the people they serve, the punishments would be reflective of the community's value system.   All laws protecting citizens from themselves are morally and constitutionally invalid.   So, when government returns to its American roots there is no need for full-time legislators.   The bureaucracy should be eliminated with local governments administering their people with accountability being strengthened and real needs being met judiciously.   

In Christ,