- People who do not see any reason to push back on Islam are ignorant of history. As recently as the 1400-1700AD period Islam threatened to militarily take over Europe. Many Christians were murdered while others were forced to accept Islam or become slaves. Austria was the battle front as the Turks pushed into Europe. Islam wants to destroy western civilization. What we are seeing today is only the most recent effort to accomplish that goal.
- Islam is a disease. Just as with any disease the symptoms may or may not manifest. They may manifest sooner or later. Just as with any disease it is spread from human to human. Just as with any disease the solution is eradication not co-existence. Muslims should be quarantined in their land of origin. Care should be taken to prevent them from infecting the rest of the world. When a critical mass of disease cells occurs the patient will die. When the critical mass of Muslims is reached in this country, America as we know it will die.
- Islam is anti-Christ because it says God is not begotten nor does he beget (i.e. Jesus is not the son of God).
- The crusades were initiated to stop Islam from taking over Europe. Christopher Columbus fought the muslims in Austria before he came to America.
- Obama said we are not at war with Islam though Islam is at war with us. Obama is a Muslim despite what he says. Note the way he almost grits his teeth when he says the word Christian . Note the fact he has not lifted a finger to stop the martyrdom of Christians in Syria and Iraq. Note how he wanted to open the gates of our country to the Syrian (muslim) refugees.
- The greatest threat to our country is not Isis or Islam but the delusional thinking of our leadership. God is not the author of confusion. What we are seeing is nothing but confusion in politics and the news media.