Kool Aid is flavored water.
'Drinking the Kool Aid' became a term representing pleasant destruction through deception as a result of the mass suicides in Guyana under the direction of Jim Jones in 1978.
The deception Jones used was based on religious fervor. Historically, religious fervor has been a significant force for good and evil.
However, there are deceptions that do not call themselves religious which have the same fervor to incite its adherents to action.
Ideology is akin to religion in the sense that it reaches deep into the psyche. As a matter of fact it is possible to elevate ideology to religious status through blind fervor.
Every person involved in a religion sees other religions as false. (Otherwise, they would switch).
This is where the issue of Truth comes in. Not all religions are right and not all ideologies are right.
What is Truth?
This question has been asked many times. It was even asked by Pilate as he stood in judgment as the incarnate Truth - Christ Jesus.
It is impossible for man to come to Truth by investigation with his senses apply rational thought to what he observes.
This is because Truth is transcendent. It exists independent of the Physical Realm and high above it in the Spirit Realm.
So, every person has drunk Kool Aid of some flavor at some point.
→ our parents and forefathers drank KoolAid
→ our teachers drank KoolAid
→ our politicians drank KoolAid
→ our heroes drank KoolAid
→ our philosophers drank KoolAid
Since we are influenced by all of the above, we take sips of the Kool Aid to which they drank.
This is why we are all tainted. In order to recover from the taint of Kool Aid (regardless of the flavor) we must drink the Truth.
When a person hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ, believes it, receives it and allows it to transform their minds, they are regenerated spiritually with New Life of the Holy Spirit.
Such New Creatures are able to discern good and evil, not from a script, but by the LivingWord that abides in them.
Most of the people in the world are still drinking Kool Aid. They need every TruthDrinker to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ so they can be delivered from the taste of Kool Aid and begin desiring the Water Of Life.