The TEFAP client form may be accessed by doing the following:
- Log in - click on the lock on the top left side of the page
- Click on Link in the top menu of the page
- Expand Food Bank to see Food Service.
- Expand Food Service to see Clients
- Click on Clients
- Open the Clients application in full screen by clicking on the globe on the middle left menu of the page.
Using the Clients application:
- Enter a part of the clients name or information into the search field. Entering too much information will result in the client record not being found.
- You can enter a space in the search field to list all clients.
- On screens with a menu at the bottom you need only use the save button (diskette) to commit your data to the database or the back button (left arrow) to return to the previous page.
- By clicking on a pencil icon you can enter a signature. If a signature already appears, clicking on it allows you to replace the current signature with a new one.
Using the Galaxy Note 10.1 for client signatures:
- Turn on the Galaxy Note 10.1 after the BAMA laptop has come up.
- Once the Note has booted swipe to the left until you see a yellow iDisplay app.
- Tap iDisplay to start it
- Return to the BAMA laptop and begin working a client
- When a client signature is needed:
- Tap on the pencil in the TEFAP application as usual
- When the signature box appears tap on the top of the box to set focus
- Then double tap the top of the box holding down on the second tap
- Slide the box to the right until it disappears. It is now on the Note.
- Instruct the client to sign with the stylus and tap Save when done.
- For best results the client should sign slowly.
- When the client taps Save the signature box disappears
- Swipe from right to left until the mouse pointer appears on the BAMA laptop
- Tap the Save button to commit data including signatures to the database
- The screen will refresh and you will see the supplied signature
Logging in
- All users may use the same Windows account for logging in to the BAMA PC
- Each TEFAP agent must use their own account when accessing the TEFAP app
- Click on the Contacts tab in the top menu to see if you have an account
- If you do not have TEFAP account, request one using the Account Request tab on the top menu.
- If you have questions or issues not addressed above click on the Project Contact tab for additional help resource.