Worship [ Created: 2015-09-14 19:00:23  Updated: 2023-09-13 20:27:01 Owner: rl ]
Title: To highly Value something or someone - Worth-ship    



The dictionary defines worship as: extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem

Worship means to value something so highly that your affections are drawn to it, your focus is drawn to it and your time is spent with it.   

To value something highly is to elevate it`s worth above other things of value.   

Humans have an innate drive to worship something.   

We were created to worship God.   When we value God we rise to our potential.   

When we worship things other than God we sink below our privilege.   

Some of the things we worship other than God :

The first commandment was that we should have no other gods before the true and living God.   This is not because God needs our worship.   It is because we need to worship God.   Worship opens up relationship with Him through which Grace flows.   

In order to begin to understand God`s worth it is necessary to meditate on the available information regarding Him.   

True Worship is in Spirit (Holy Spirit) and in Truth (Word Of God).   

A graven image is often worshipped instead of God.   
That image may be graven in our minds based on not being filled with His Spirit (the Spirit Of Truth) and/or not knowing the Truth - the Word of God.   

Our excitement about the true and living God must come from knowing Him personally - not from emotional, sensual stimulation.