[ Created: 2023-08-23 08:00:39  Updated: 2023-08-23 08:38:23 Owner: rl ]
Title: Words used in a structured way to communicate    



Language is always an approximation of reality and it only partially communicates what one person sees to another.   

What is lacking in mere words and phrases for higher level understanding is revelation - specifically Spiritual Revelation.   

Man is a spirit and so he is able to grasp things that go beyond the information he gathers through his five senses.   

Imagination is that part of his mind which is able to understand things that cannot be adequately described with words as well as to enable him to conceive new concepts.   

But language is inadequate and is prone to misunderstanding, particularly when words may have different meanings or may imply different things based on context.   

A specific word which has led to much confusion in translation of the scriptures to English is the word, `and`.   

`And` may mean

The main point of confusion that occurs when `and` is used has to do with multiplicity.   For example, I am a man and I am a husband and I am a father and I am a grandfather.   Now we know since I am human that the and does not imply multiplicity of persons but multiple desriptions of a single person.   

The Trinitarian concept of God came out of an inapprpriate translation of the original word to `and` implying multiplicity of persons.   In most cases where `and` is used with respect to deity, the word should have been translated `even`.   

Going back to the example of myself, here is another rendering of the description:
I am a man, even a husband, even a father, even a grandfather.   
This rendering which is not the norm emphases the oneness of the person being described.   

Looking at a typical KJV quote `baptizing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit` we see that the confusion of multiplicity of beings is based on the word `and`.   If you notice, the word `name` appears and not the word `names`.   This indicates there is only one name and that it applies to the one being who is Father, even Son, even Holy Spirit.