- A nice Friday
- Beautiful day
- Shopping with Judy at LazyBoy
- Lunch with Judy at Remington Grill
- Meeting the Holts
- Separate ways
- Visiting the Roberts
- Cruising Lake Jordan
- Riding the country roads
- The accident
- Back toward home
- McGee's crossroads
- The pickup
- The U-turn
- The crash
- The damage - peace, healing, trust, no pain
- The EMTs
- The trauma center
- Sounds
- People
- Stabilization - 2 days icu
- Physical
ventilator, neck brace, external rods stabilizing legs, iv's, 8 pints of blood, arms bandaged, thumb splint, wound to calf
- Trust, peace, healing, no pain
- Recovery
- The hospital room
- The visitors
- The calls
- The prayers
- The nurses
- The sleep
- The weakness and weight loss
- Some minor pain and discomfort
- Rehab
- Roommate - Johnny
- Dread - some pain and discomfort
- Nurses - patient and gentle
- Gradual strength increase
- Hopping
- Wheelchair
- Car
- Home
- Judy
- Back seat
- Tools - bed, wheelchair, walker, bedside comode
- Future