Evil is a disease which is contagious and consuming. - Randy Lucas
Don`t be swinging from tree to tree. - Joseph Prince
God did not choose you because you are awesome, He chose you because He is awesome. - Andrew Wommack
If fear is the tool, Satan is the mechanic. - Randy Lucas
Worry is thought trying to exalt itself over the knowledge of God. - Duane Sheriff
Those that receive love deserve love. Those that reject love deserve wrath. - Randy Lucas
God is not looking at your ability, He is looking at your availability. - Andrew Wommack
You cannot turn away from God and and not turn into Satan. - Randy Lucas
God loves all equally but He treats all accordingly. - Matthew Hagee
To be offended you have to consider the preeminence of the offender. - Randy Lucas
What you are thankful for will increase in your life. - Barry Bennett
Excellence is our goal or mundane is our existence. - Randy Lucas
If you can meditate on negative things, you can meditate on positive things. - Andrew Wommack
Being a woke Christian is as impossible as being a godly atheist. - Mario Murillo
Your vision of the Lord determines the effectiveness of your faith. - Randy Lucas
If you knew me like you knew you, you would have no more faith in my prayers than you do yours. - Andrew Wommack
Change your words, change your life. - Joseph Prince
You can`t be love-centered and self - centered at the same time. - Barry Bennett
God doesn`t bless nothing. You have to do something. - Andrew Wommack
Before you leave, leave your testimony. - Randy Lucas
Religious people know they have no power and make up theology to justify themselves. - Barry Bennett
If you like the fruit, you must accept the root. - Andrew Wommack
When the eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber. - Winston Churchill
Trust is a verb, not a nap. - Barry Bennett
Prayer doesn`t move the Lord, it moves the pray-er. - Randy Lucas
A smile looks good on anybody. - Andrew Wommack
Commanding politicians is the new role of God`s remnant in America. - Mario Murillo
Prayer without works is dead. - Andrew Wommack
Believers don`t follow signs. Signs follow believers. - Randy Lucas
Fear is cooperation with the Devil. - Andrew Wommack
Wealth redistribution is poverty creation. - Randy Lucas
Fear is the unseen Mark Of The Beast. - Mario Murillo
You don`t get to the beginning of God until you get to the end of yourself. - Andrew Wommack
Greatness starts in the heart - same as destruction. - Randy Lucas
Don`t get hung by your tongue. - Andrew Wommack
If you will affirm Word Of The Lord, He will confirm it. - Randy Lucas
The Truth does not fear a lie but a lie is terrified by the Truth. - Randy Lucas
Lord, make me usable. - Andrew Wommack
Truth brings forth freedom while bondage is the child of deception. - Randy Lucas
Talent sets the floor. Character sets the ceiling. - Bill Bellichick
We are all qualified by the qualifier. Just be available. - Randy Lucas
Don`t pray for God to move. He is not stuck --- but you may be. - Andrew Wommack
Expectation and anticipation are evidence of faith which is evidence of that which is expected and anticipated. - Randy Lucas
If you haven`t copped an attitude of faith you have left room for unbelief. - Randy Lucas
The love of God is wrapped in Truth. - Barry Bennett
Expectation powers the future. - Randy Lucas
Eagles dare while turkeys stare. - Mario Murillo
Don`t ask for forgiveness. Receive forgiveness by faith in Christ Jesus. - Andrew Wommack
Compromise only hurts a little but the hurting never stops. - Randy Lucas
If you can`t choose you are in bondage. - Randy Lucas
Compromise is the language of the Devil. - Andrew Wommack
The New Normal is really just abnormal. - Randy Lucas
Get the strife out of your life. - Kenneth Copeland
Integrity is having a pure heart and being true to it. - Randy Lucas
We do not need comfort. We need outrage. - Mario Murillo
It is better to be ignorant than misinformed. - Randy Lucas
Unbelief justifies you. Faith justifies the Lord. - Randy Lucas
You don`t get what you deserve, you get what you believe. - Andrew Wommack
Christianity will survive without America but America will not survive without Christianity. - Mario Murillo
If you want a great harvest you need good seed and you need to sow it on as much good ground as possible. - Randy Lucas
Taking `text` out of `context` leaves a `con`. - Andrew Wommack
Worry is just an evil imagination. - Andrew Wommack
Praying fervently doesn`t change the Lord`s mind, it changes ours. - Randy Lucas
Hope is just a good imagination. - Andrew Wommack
The spiritual ball is in our court. - Randy Lucas
A person who will not receive the Truth (Jesus Christ) will fall for any lie. - Randy Lucas
Focus on your seed not your need. - Barry Bennett
The truth stands on its own forever. A lie must be propped up on all sides continuously. - Randy Lucas
We are not dotobes we are betodos. - Greg Mohr
The heart of the Lord is to heal, fill and employ. - Randy Lucas
You cannot be a victor and a victim at the same time. - Audrey Mack
Be positive or be quiet. - Joel Osteen
The sins of fear and unbelief are the mothers of the others. - Randy Lucas
You`re either investing your time or wasting your time. - Joel Osteen
Compassion is love in action . - Randy Lucas
Our faith establishes the limits of what we can receive from God. - Barry Bennett
To refuse is to be refuse. - Randy Lucas
Worry is the result of living in the future. - Barry Bennett
To do one must first be. The reason one doesn`t is because one isn`t.
- Randy Lucas
Regret is the result of living in the past. - Barry Bennett
You are what you think, not what you eat. - Randy Lucas
Peace is the result of living in Christ. - Barry Bennett
Faith is a state, not a destination. - Randy Lucas
Compromise is the language of the Devil. - Andrew Wommack
If you won`t speak it, you don`t believe it. - Randy Lucas
Understanding your position will change your condition. - Joel Osteen
Physical manifestation of God`s Word is called glory . - Creflo Dollar
There is no political solution to a spiritual problem. - Randy Lucas
There is no psychological solution to a spiritual problem. - Randy Lucas
This is not a time for soothing lambs but for igniting lions. - Mario Murillo
You`re either supernatural or superficial. - Andrew Wommack
Drama steals the present and future and sacrifices them to the past. - Randy Lucas
Success? - 1) Get started. 2) Don`t quit. - Andrew Wommack
Live to give, not give to live. - Andrew Wommack
The Truth is never afraid of a lie. A lie is always afraid of the Truth. - Randy Lucas
Magnify the cross, not your loss - Andrew Wommack
The Holy Spirit became man so man could be filled with the Holy Spirit. - Randy Lucas
Don`t speak what you have. Have what you speak ! - Andrew Wommack
The Holy Spirit will make you look good. - Andrew Wommack
It`s not your responsibility, it`s your response to His ability - Andrew Wommack
It is not principle nor method but relationship with the Holy Spirit. - Audrey Mack
No praise, no rain. - Joel Osteen
If you doubt you go without - Andrew Wommack
Live in the Light of His Word not your TV. - Randy Lucas
You can`t choose the results of your choices. - Joseph Prince
Faith is a positive response to what God has already done. - Andrew Wommack
God`s currency is faith - Joel Osteen
Jesus + anything = nothing
Jesus + nothing = everything - Joseph Prince
Be Son conscious not sin conscious. - Joseph Prince
Don`t talk to God about the problem, talk to the problem about God. - Kenneth Copeland
Say your prayers and cast your cares - JoyceMyer
If you think you will thank. - Andrew Wommack
Stop your stinkin thinkin. - JoyceMyer
To receive you must believe. - Randy Lucas
Nothing will work unless you do. - John Hagee
Poor mouth... Poor life. - Joel Osteen
Rest finds Grace
- Creflo Dollar
Forgiveness of sin is not redefinition of sin. - Randy Lucas
When the Word comes in, it brings Light. - Creflo Dollar
Faith is having a good opinion of God. - Joseph Prince
God is always on. - Andrew Wommack
Spirituality → World View → Ideology → Politics. - Randy Lucas
Grace is a person and his name is Jesus - Joseph Prince
We are not responsible for results, only Obedience. - Randy Lucas
Descending Love is greater than ascending Love - Joseph Prince
Don`t confuse the root with the fruit - Joseph Prince
Trouble is transportation. - Joel Osteen
Get over your self esteem and get on with Christ esteem - Randy Lucas
I have had many opportunities for defeat. I just don`t take them. - Andrew Wommack
People won`t care how much you know until they Know how much you care. - David Jeremiah
Put self on the shelf and watch the Son get it done. - Randy Lucas
Remain at rest and receive God`s best. - Joseph Prince
You don`t try faith, you live it. - Kenneth Copeland
God`s will is discovered not decided. - Greg Mohr
Speak what the Word Says - that`s Faith - Andrew Wommack
Faith is the appropriation of what Grace has provided - Andrew Wommack
Gra ce + Fa ith = Graith - prepared; ready - Randy Lucas
Your attitude determines your altitude. - Andrew Wommack
In Christ it is Never The Less and Always The More. - Randy Lucas
If you don`t stand for your beliefs you will bow to the beliefs of others. - Randy Lucas
Complain to remain, Praise to get a raise. - Joseph Prince
Not speaking the truth when one knows it is a form of lying. - Randy Lucas
Right believing produces right living. - Joseph Prince
A political treatment of truth invariably leads to a lie. - Randy Lucas
Send your ship out if you want it to come in. - Andrew Wommack
The more you meditate the less you medicate. - Randy Lucas
You can`t fake good kids. - Mike Pence
Integrity is having a pure heart and being true to it. - Randy Lucas
Faith is voice activated - Andrew Wommack
Word ignorance is the worst kind. - Randy Lucas
Jesus forgives Sin. He doesn`t condone it. - Randy Lucas
I am supernaturally natural. - Andrew Wommack
Passion for Jesus produces compassion for others. - Randy Lucas
If you don`t stir yourself up you will settle to the bottom. - Andrew Wommack
Truth Trumps trouble. - Randy Lucas
Believe and receive, doubt and go without. - Andrew Wommack
Discipline yourself regularly or be disciplined regularly. - Randy Lucas
Symptoms are to sickness as temptation is to sin. - Audrey Mack
Faith doesn`t need to be larger, it needs to be purer. - Randy Lucas
Faith is blind to all but the Word. - E W Kenyon
Rest and be blessed. - Randy Lucas
Sow where you want to go. - Andrew Wommack
Hate needs just a little ground to grow in. Love needs it all. - Randy Lucas
Hope in the future brings power to the present. - Dabo Swinney
Grace is the manifestation of the love of the Holy Spirit. - Randy Lucas
Jesus is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit who is love. - Randy Lucas
If you stand up on the battlefield you will get shot at. - CarlBaugh
Trust is a comfortable, dangerous thing. - Randy Lucas
It`s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. - MarkTwain |