Deism , derived from the Latin word deus meaning "god", combines a rejection of religious knowledge as a source of authority with the conclusion that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single creator of the universe. Deism gained prominence among intellectuals during the Age of Enlightenment especially in Britain, France, Germany and the United States who, raised as Christians, believed in one god but became disenchanted with organized religion and notions such as the Trinity, Biblical inerrancy and the supernatural interpretation of events such as miracles. Included in those influenced by its ideas were leaders of the American and French Revolutions.
Revelation, or revealed religion, is defined in Webster`s New World Dictionary as: "God`s disclosure to man of Himself." This should read, "God`s alleged disclosure to man of himself." For unless God reveals to each of us individually that a particular religion is truly His disclosure to us of Himself, then, by believing that religion, we are not taking His word for it, but we are instead putting our belief in the person or institution telling us it is so. This is what we are doing when we believe in any revealed religion, and that`s all Christianity is. It`s a revealed religion like many others such as Islam and Judaism. Revealed religion gets dangerous however, when it crosses over the line into politics. This is the admitted goal of the Christian Coalition. God allegedly revealed to Pat Robertson and his Coalition, that He wants them to take over America and eventually the world with "His Word," so the laws of the nations will mirror the laws in the Bible, which, if you know what`s in the Bible, is terrifying. This, too, is what the Ayatollah`s goal was, only his "revealed word of God" was the Koran, an other revelation. Are we to believe Pat when he says the Bible is revelation of God`s Word?
Revelation and Truth:
To judge Christ Jesus based on men is truly sad. He is Lord. We are the recipients of His Grace. It is prideful rationalization that results in denominations and scisms in Christianity. So Deism "throws the baby out with the bathwater".
Fundamentally Deism is Anti Christ in its denial of Christ Jesus as Immanuel, the express image of the Father, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father.
Deists end up in the Lake Of Fire. |