We know that the Holy Spirit is omnipresent - He fills the universe and beyond .
We know that God is a spirit and He is holy . Hence, the Holy Spirit is God.
We know that Jesus is the express image of His Holy Spirit .
We know that Jesus came for the purpose of us being filled with His Holy Spirit .
We know that Jesus commanded His disciples to wait until they were filled with His Holy Spirit .
We know that the Holy Spirit is for every believer .
We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit .
So, since the Holy Spirit is God and we are filled with Him, then it makes sense for us to worship the God in us.
But you may say that Jesus said to pray: "Our Father which is in heaven" .
Heaven is the Spirit Realm.
So, we need to understand that Jesus was telling us to pray to our spiritual Father who is the Holy Spirit.
Since the Holy Spirit is in us and He is our Heavenly Father we only need to pray to the God within us.
The beauty of the plan which our Lord Jesus Christ has implemented is that
→ He is in us
→ We are in Him
→ We are one with Him
So we see that the proper way to worship God is by
→ receiving the Truth of the Gospel
→ fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in us
Think of it this way:
→ If you don't believe the Holy Spirit is in you the you cannot worship in Spirit.
→ If you don't believe what the Word says about you, you cannot worship in Truth.
It is time for us to acknowledge what Jesus has provided for us and stop reverting to pagan practices of seeing ourselves and God as somehow separated.
Speaking the Word to address the issues of life is a way of Worshipping The God Inside You.
Praying in the Spirit is a way of Worshipping The God Inside You.