[ Created: 2014-11-08 17:19:53  Updated: 2023-08-18 07:53:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: Incredulity or skepticism    



Faith is a positive response to the Word Of The Lord.   

Unbelief is a negative response to the Word Of The Lord.   

Unbelief undermines our faith.   

Unbelief is the most expensive thing you can own.   It robs you of your inheritance.   

Types of Unbelief :
    Ignorance - never taught
    Disbelief - taught error
    Natural - bound by physical evidence

Ignorance and disbelief can be eliminated by the Word.   

Natural unbelief comes from a Carnal Mind.   A Carnal Mind responds only to what we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell.   

Natural unbelief (Carnal Minded) can only be eliminated by spending time with the Holy Spirit in His Word, in prayer and in fasting.   

We must not doubt in our heart in order to receive.   
And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
mighty works occur in an atmosphere of faith.     unbelief squelches the power of the Lord.

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for truly I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Unbelief undermines faith and blocks the blessing from arriving.     

It is not the quantity of faith that is important, it is the quality.     unbelief pollutes faith.     

Pure faith in the absence of unbelief is capable of moving mountains.

And he marvelled because of their unbelief.     And he went round about the villages, teaching.
How can a person or group of people reject Truth and deny power in unbelief when it is right in front of them?     Jesus did not understand it because He is Truth.     Believers don`t understand it because they have a Love Of The Truth.

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help you mine unbelief.
Unbelief is the counter-force to faith.     It is not the amount of faith that is important.     It is the absence of unbelief that enables the faith we have to accomplish its end.

Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
Jesus scolded the disciples for their unbelief.     They had not believed what He told Him He would do and then they did not believe what eye witnesses told them about His resurrection.

When was the first case of unbelief?    Adam and Eve doubted what the Lord had said.   Satan convinced them that His Word was not true.   

This fundamental lie from Satan is his primary weapon against every human.   

Jesus went into the wilderness after His baptism in water and the Holy Spirit to deal with unbelief once and for all.   

Jesus `knew` who He was from an early age.   However, when it came time for Him to fulfill His role as prophet, healer, Forgiver, sacrifice and risen King He had to take a `big gulp` of faith in the Word Of The Lord to the exclusion of any doubt.   

The temptations that Satan threw at Him were to undermine His faith in the Word.   That is why Jesus responded to Him with the Word.   

If Jesus had to depend on the Word to overcome, then the only way we can overcome is by His Word.   

The Transformed mind, renewed mind, the mind of Christ is a mind which has determined to know nothing except the Word Of The Lord.   All other information and `facts` are discounted.   
And Jesus answering says unto them, Have Holy Spirit Faith.
The disciples were amazed at the withered fig tree and wanted to know how Jesus did this to the tree.     

Jesus answers them very succinctly by telling them to believe with Holy Spirit faith.     

Jesus did not come to show off and then leave us in awe.     He came to:
    clean us up
    teach us
    empower us
    to be like Him.     

Jesus is telling us to operate in the supernatural faith of His Holy Spirit.     

Note: The word `in` is not in the original Greek phrase which the KJV translates as `Have faith in God`.     It should have read `Have God faith` or `Have the faith of God` rather than `faith in God`.     

Since we know that God is Spirit (making Him the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus), this phrase should best be rendered as `Have Holy Spirit faith`.     

Remember, Faith is one of the Spirit Fruit.     

Unfortunately, this is another example of how the ` God being` was given an existence separate from the Word and Holy Spirit as a result of the translators` trinitarian concept of the Creator.     

Jesus goes on in this passage to tell His disciples to just speak (word) and believe (Holy Spirit faith) and their desires would be met.     There is no indication that some other being is involved in the process.     

Even, the `when you pray` statement of is misunderstood to reference a ` God being` when Jesus instructed us to pray to our Heavenly Father who is His Holy Spirit in us.

20200710 update The "prayer of faith" saves the sick.   We need to work on our faith by getting rid of unbelief.   That happens through the hearing of the Word.   Expose yourself to the Word like you expose yourself to the media.   Instead of unbelief and fear, faith will rise!