The god of Islam is not the God of Jews and Christians .
Though Allah means the god it is a Biblical fact that Satan tried to displace God in heaven. Satan was cast out of heaven (Luke 10:18, Isaigh 14) and is now the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2). Furthermore, Satan is the spirit of antichrist. Mohammed rejected Jesus as the Messiah . The Qu'ran makes it clear that Allah does not beget. Hence Islam is antichrist. When you consider the hatred that undergirds the Muslim attitude toward Christians and Jews it is blatantly obvious that the god of Islam us none other than Satan .
The following gives background to the origins of Islam as a rejection/twisting of Biblical Truth.
If there is an explicit biblical explanation for this animosity, it goes all the way back to Abraham. The Jews are descendants of Abrahamï;½s son Isaac. The Arabs are descendants of Abrahamï;½s son Ishmael. With Ishmael being the son of a slave woman (Genesis 16:1-16) and Isaac being the promised son who would inherit the blessings of Abraham (Genesis 21:1-3), obviously there would be some animosity between the two sons. As a result of Ishmaelï;½s mocking Isaac (Genesis 21:9), Sarah talked Abraham into sending Hagar and Ishmael away (Genesis 21:11-21). Likely, this caused even more contempt in Ishmaelï;½s heart towards Isaac. An angel prophesied to Hagar that Ishmael would ï;½live in hostility toward all his brothersï;½ (Genesis 16:11-12).
The religion of Islam, to which a majority of Arabs are adherents, has made this hostility more profound. The Qur'an contains somewhat contradictory instructions for Muslims regarding Jews. At one point it instructs Muslims to treat Jews as brothers and at another point commands Muslims to attack Jews who refuse to convert to Islam. The Qurï;½an also introduces a conflict as to which son of Abraham was truly the son of promise. The Hebrew Scriptures say it was Isaac. The Qurï;½an says it was Ishmael. The Qurï;½an teaches that it was Ishmael whom Abraham almost sacrificed to the Lord, not Isaac (in contradiction to Genesis chapter 22). This debate over who was the son of promise contributes to the hostility today. --GotQuestions.org