To deny that Jesus is the Messiah , the Son of the living God , is by definition anti-christ. Mohammed was exposed to the Truth and rejected it. He is the false prophet of Satan whose only hope is to prevent people from believing in Jesus Christ , the only begotten of the Father .
The quotations from the Qur'an below expose Islam for what it is - a lie hatched from the pit of hell.
They say: "Allah has begotten a son". Glory be to Him! His is what the heavens and the earth contain; all things are obedient to Him. Creator of the heavens and the earth! When he decrees a thing, He need only say "Be", and it is.
Qur'an 2:116
Who says "Allah has begotten a Son " ? Then God will say: Jesus , son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind: "Worship me and my mother as gods besides God ?"
Qur'an 5:116
Wonderful Originator of the heavens and the earth; how can He have begotten a son when He has no wife? He created all things, and He hath full knowledge of all things.
Qur'an 6:101
The Jews say Ezra is the begotten of God , while the Christians say the Messiah is the begotten of God . Such are their assertions, by which they imitate the infidels of old. God confound them! How perverse they are!
Quran 9:30
It's perverse of Jews and Christians to say God has a son.
Like the infidels of old.
God confound them!
They say, God has begotten a son. God forbid! Self-sufficient is he. His is all that the heavens and the earth contain. Surely for this you have no sanction. Would you say of God what you know not?
Quran 10:68
Self-sufficient is He
means he does not need a consort to have a son. Such was begotten, the son of Mary. That is the whole truth, which they still doubt. God forbid that He Himself should begotten a son ! When He decrees a thing He need only say: Be, and it is.
Quran 19:35
Who are they that still doubt?
Allah does not need to beget a son the way men have children, with a wife or consort.
He can just say Be.
Those who say: The Lord of Mercy has a son, preach a monstrous falsehood, at which the very heavens might crack, the earth break asunder, and the mountains crumble to dust. That they should ascribe a son to the Merciful, when it does not become the Lord of Mercy to beget one!
Quran 19:88
Say: How then can you be so bewitched?
We have revealed to them the truth, but they are liars all.
Never has God begotten a son, nor is there any other god besides Him. Were this otherwise, each god would govern his own creation, each holding himself above the other. Exalted be God above their falsehoods!
Quran 23:91
Surely they lie when they declare: "Allah has children".
Qur'an 37:151
Had it been His will to adopt a son, He would have chosen whom He pleased out of His own Creation.
Qur'an 39:4
Say: 3"If the Lord of Mercy had a son, I would be the first to worship him".
Qur'an 43:82
3 To the Christians.
He (exalted be the glory of our Lord!) has taken no wife, nor has He begotten any children. The Blaspheming One among us has uttered a wanton falsehood against God, although we had supposed no man or jinee could tell of Him what is untrue.
Qur'an 72:3
Say: GOD is One, the Eternal God . He none, nor was He begotten. None is equal to Him.
Quran 112:1-4
Islam is AntiChrist . They destroy any Christian who does not convert to Islam .
Turkey which is 99% Islamic is where the seven Churches of Revelation were located.
North Africa is where St. Augustine lived. North Africa is mostly Islamic now.
They are against WesternCivilization . They invaded Europe several times during the late middle ages into the Reformation .
Allah is Satan .
Islam is an infection whose goal is to destroy the Kingdom of Christ .
That is about all that a Westerner needs to know about Islam .