[ Created: 2023-07-30 17:03:42  Updated: 2023-07-30 18:03:34 Owner: rl ]
Title: In the Name Of Jesus using His name as the correct form of address    



References (14) to 'in Jesus name'
13 - Education Prayer A prayer regarding Education
5 - Divine Healing Divine Healing
Ask To petition God for the benefits of Grace
Eunuch Minister A minister that tries to appease everyone
Governmentor God?      In whom do we trust?
Hilda Grey Matthews Hilda Grey Matthews
In Jesus' Name In the Name Of Jesus using His name as the correct form of address
Isla Ruth Mc Lamb Benson Isla Ruth Mc Lamb Benson
Praying See Prayer
10  Revival Or Return Will there be revival or will the Lord return soon
11  Serve To provide for the needs and desires of another
12  ShelviaJean(Warren)Hall Shelvia Jean Hall
13  Shoulder Chip Having a chip on your shoulder
14  Trinitarian Error What is wrong with seeing our Creator as three persons?