[ Created: 2023-07-24 05:43:21  Updated: 2023-07-24 07:32:22 Owner: rl ]
Title: The concept that governance can be successful via laws    



Where did faith in the Rule Of Law come from?   

If you look at the Bible you find that Rule Of Law did not work.   The Old Covenant was all about law
    obedience bringing blessing
    disobedience bringing curses.   

After 1500 years of the Rule Of Law in Israel Christ Jesus came to fulfill the law and institute a single new law, the law of the Spirit Of Life.   

What is a law?   It is a rule.   So the Rule Of Law is the 'rule of rule'.   It means domination by rules.   It is external control.   It is bondage.   
If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.
Jesus has the power to deliver us from every form of bondage and to empower us to stay out of bondage.     

Notice that He 'makes' us free.     This is because the Old Man is unfixable.     We are Born Again of the Word by the Holy Spirit and so are made free in the New Man which is a New Spirit being.

Jesus was an insurrectionist.   He came to overthrow the Rule Of Law and replace it with the law of the Spirit Of Life.   
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
We see how most believers do not have the Mind Of Christ perfected in them.     The Spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh wars against the Spirit.     At His return, our soul and body will be redeemed and made new just as our Spirit was in the New Birth.

Essentially, salvation is the elimination of external rule, which is bondage, and replacement of it with the character and integrity of the Lord Jesus Christ by His indwelling Holy Spirit.   

The Sin Nature in man is unruly.   It cannot be managed with external laws.   Its very nature is rebellion.   

In the New Birth we become New Spirit beings that are perfect.   This New Spirit is to manifest in our soul - our mind, will and emotions.   This requires a transformation of our minds to accept the Mind Of Christ.   

In such a state a person lives in the Law Of Liberty.   
But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
The Law Of Liberty is perfect.     It is the law which states that we are saved by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus.     

We become supernaturally natural - manifesting the character of the Lord by virtue of the fruit of the Holy Spirit working in and through us as we determine to Walk In The Spirit.     

The Law Of Liberty is where a person willingly does the will of the Lord.   There is no compulsion.   There is no condemnation.   Such a person is Free Indeed.   

The beginning, middle and end of Christianity is the Lord Jesus Christ.   
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of Majesty.
The way we persevere is to keep our eyes upon Christ Jesus who designed and implemented salvation by Grace Through Faith.     

He is King of kings and Lord of lords holding all power in heaven and in earth.     

You can trust Him in all things for all things.     

How do we practically keep our eyes upon Jesus?     
    Fellowship with Him in His Word.     
    Fellowship with Him in His Holy Spirit through our Prayer Language.     
    Talk about Him to others

How did a nation founded by Christians become a nation subscribing to the Rule Of Law?   
I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Grace and Law are incompatible.     Grace is all about the Lord's work to provide salvation.     Law is about man's attempt to save himself.     The Galatians were being drawn back to legalism.

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whoever of you are justified by the law; you are fallen from grace.
Law and Grace are incompatible.     Grace is the ultimate plan.     Any other plan is less and unacceptable to the Lord.

We see from the verses above that even in the first century there was a competing faction to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   

If you study the context of those verses you find that what was competing with Grace, was law.   

Did you know that the scribes of Jesus' day are what we call lawyers today?   Scribes were invested in the law.   Jesus came to fulfill and replace the law with liberty.   It is no surprise that the scribes hated Jesus.   He was undermining their whole way of life and source of income.   

Here we are in 21st century America with 30,000 statutes (laws) on the books.   Where did these laws come from?   Lawyers (legislators).   

Have any of those laws made America better than she was in 1789 when the Constitution was ratified?   I am sure lawyers would say yes.   

But do you as a citizen even know what these laws are?   

During the course of a day how many of those laws come into play in your life?   

Every law exacts some level of fear because there is a penalty associated with violating the law.   Is fear a good thing?   No.   

This is why Jesus overturned the Rule Of Law and replaced it with the Law Of Liberty.   

In order for the Law Of Liberty to become the mode of living for all people, Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel to every creature.   

What is the Gospel?   It is the good news that the Perfect Law Of Liberty In Christ Jesus is the new way of living.   

Israel had the best set of laws in the world at the time of Christ.   Yet, she was in bondage to Rome.   What good were her laws doing her?   Absolutely nothing.   She was playing the game of religion in weakness and futility.   

Now America is in bondage to her 30,000 laws with politicians working every day to implement new laws.   How foolish!   

Do you realize that the Rule Of Law is the same as the law of Sin And Death?   
For the law of the Holy Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
We are under the Law of the Spirit Of Life by faith in Christ Jesus.     We are free from the law of Sin And Death by faith in Christ Jesus.     This is awesome!     

This is speaking of spiritual life and spiritual death.     There is no condemnation upon those who are In Christ Jesus .      We are New Spirit beings who are perfect .      We are accepted in the beloved .     

In the flesh we have not yet been redeemed .      That will happen at our Lord's return .     
In the meantime, the Law Of The Lord still reigns.     This means that sin and obedience both have consequences .     

So, do not confuse the spirit and the flesh.     The spirit is free.     The flesh is subject to coming under bondage to sin .     

Both John the Baptist and Jesus came preaching repentance.   Repentance from what?   Legalism - the Rule Of Law.   

America needs to repent.   We have departed from the Lord who instituted the Law Of Liberty and resurrected a false god whose nature is the Rule Of Law.   

In order for America to repent she must hear the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   It is the responsibility of every believer to preach the Gospel.   
And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
This is the Great Commission.     It is still in force.     We are expected to carry the Gospel to every creature.     

Jesus did not expect every person to believe, but He wants us to make sure all nations hear the Gospel as it is a criteria for His return.