To understand who Jesus is we must understand who God is.
→ God is Creator
→ God is eternal
→ God is life
→ God is good
→ God is love
→ God is just
→ God is holy
→ God is a Spirit
→ God is Father
→ God is omniscient
→ God is omnipresent
→ God is all-powerful
Now let's look at what we know about about Jesus.
→ Jesus is Creator
→ Jesus is eternal
→ Jesus is life
→ Jesus is good
→ Jesus is love
→ Jesus is just
→ Jesus is holy
→ Jesus is a man
→ Jesus is Son
These two 'persons' seem to be virtually identical. Let's focus on the differences between them.
→ no one has seen God at any time but men have seen Jesus
→ God cannot die but Jesus did
→ Jesus did not manifest omniscience
→ Jesus was not omnipresent
→ Jesus is the Son of God the Father
But these appear to be the only differences of consequence. Focusing on the implications of those differences we note that they are along the lines of the two major difference
→ God is Spirit and Jesus is Human
→ Jesus is limited by His humanity while God is unlimited as Spirit
Focusing on the Father, Son relationship we tend to think of the Father superceding the Son in some sense - that the Son is somehow less than the Father. But, when we consider that pre-incarnate Christ Jesus was with God and was God, we understand that the relationship between the Father the Son is not one of preeminence. The relationship has to do with the notion of the eternal Word taking on human flesh by the Father begetting Him. The Son humbled Himself to the Father to accomplish the Father's purpose.
Focusing on the limited abilities of Jesus we understand that it was necessary that the eternal Word step down from His glory to take on human flesh. The laying aside of glory was for the purpose of fulfilling the will of the Father. Upon His resurrection, the Word took back up His eternal glory so that we hear Jesus saying "all power in heaven and earth are given to me".
Looking at we see that the Son is Mighty God and Everlasting Father. So, Jesus is God and He is Father. Since He is the Son, He is His own Father. How can this be? Because there is one God who is Spirit who made Himself a body and we called His name Jesus.
There is one more point to be made about the difference between the Father and the Son:
The Father is God the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus. Just as humans are Spirit Soul And Body, so also is our God who created us in His image. He is Spirit Soul And Body. Our God is Spirit, who has a Soul ( Mind, Emotions and Will) who made Himself a Body and we call Him Jesus.
The Father of Jesus is His Holy Spirit who also births us into His family by Grace Through Faith In Christ Jesus. In that New Birth we are eternally secured (sealed) by the Father, the Holy Spirit. In Spirit Baptism the Father makes His abode in us just as He did our Lord Jesus Christ.
When Jesus returns He will physically manifest all the glory of the Holy Spirit that is possible in the Physical Realm. Every eye will see Him and He will take the throne to rule and reign forever over His creation.