Who is behind the notion of and increase in female heroines?
Any time there is an urge to step outside the natural order, rest assured that Satan is behind it.
The Lord created us male and female. He put within us innate tendencies, which are complementary to form a whole in the bond of marriage.
Rather than going into the details of each gender's role, let me just say that there are thousands of years in which the roles were played out to the good of humanity,
Satan approaches every person with the notion that they are missing out on something. In the case of Eve, he convinced her that she was missing out on the 'benefits' of the Forbidden Fruit.
Satan hates humanity. He is behind feminism and he is behind effeminism. He is behind every perversion of the natural (God-designed) order.
Parents, do not expose your children to heroines who fight and defeat men. You know in your heart that the concept makes no senses just from the physical strength perspective not even considering the emotional and psychological makeup of females.