    [ Created: 2013-04-09 21:43:49  Updated: 2013-04-10 01:51:28   Owner: rl ]
Title: Repeal the Helment law


As a 'traditional' (or should I say real ) American, I believe more strongly than ever in individual freedom and responsibility.

There should be no laws restricting individual freedoms so long as the freedom brings no direct harm to others. The left-wing argument that we are owned by the state-community is categorically un-American. The idea that individual freedoms must be curtailed in favor of community interests is a bottomless pit into which all individual freedoms must inevitably fall.

Please vote to repeal the helmet law as it is a specific example of big-brother knows best for you legislation.

Thanks for your service to our state and American principles.

-- Randy

The above was sent to state legislature representatives on 2013-04-09