Short answer: Hear, believe, receive and do the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   
The longer answer...   
First of all, God has never hid Himself.   So, the whole concept of 'seeking God' indicates an ignorance of creation.   
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Deity; so that they are without excuse:
Evidence of creation and Intelligent Design is everywhere and it is undeniable.

Well, one may argue that creation only tells us so much about God and that would be correct.   But let's enumerate some of the things that it tells us about Him:
    He is big
    He is intelligent
    He is powerful
    He loves beauty
    He loves variety
    He created man to enjoy His creation
    He has given man autonomy

Since we know that God is just, we know that He is fair and would not condemn a person for not knowing everything about Him.   
So, many people throughout history have been blessed by God for operating within the bounds of their knowledge of Him.   
Did you ever think about the fact that those 'good' people who honoured God could never really know Him just from His creation?   
Yes, God did make special appearances to various people in the form of the AngelOfTheLord to give guidance.   But special appearances to select people was not a very efficient way to help people get to know Him.   
So, God came to earth.   
But He only lived here 30 some-odd years before He was crucified, raised and translated back to heaven.   
Jesus is God in the flesh.   
Why didn't God ( Jesus) stay with us?   
He did.   
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of God, the Spirit Of Christ.   
The Holy Spirit is to live in us and we in Him.   
Did you know that He is the teacher?   
What do you suppose He teaches?   
He teaches us about Christ Jesus, His express image.   
But how do people get to know about God in the flesh - Jesus?   
By those who have received Christ becoming preachers of the Gospel and witness to the reality of Christ in them.   
What is the Gospel?   
The Gospel is the good news about God with us In Christ Jesus, reconciling the world to Himself, and bringing us into Himself so that we are one with Him.   
Do you see how important the Gospel is?   
Let's get back to the question at hand: How Do You Seek God?   
    You hear the Gospel of Christ Jesus
    You find Him In Christ Jesus
    You receive the Spirit Of Christ Jesus
    You read and meditate on the Word Of God
    You pray in the Spirit
    You fellowshup with other believers
You see, there is no new, magical way to seek God and find Him.   
He is available 24/7 to those who will listen to Him in Word and in Spirit.   
His name is Jesus.