[ Created: 2012-11-14 18:05:02  Updated: 2023-11-01 16:32:59 Owner: rl ]
Title: Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ    



People fear a theocracy - a government headed by regents of a divine being.   

This is because of historical and current experience with it.   

The Holy Roman Empire was ultimately responsible for killing many people because of their unbelief or heretical beliefs

Islamic nations control the lives of their people with the threat of severe punishment or death for breaking sharia law.   

So, why would anyone recommend a theocracy as the preferred form of government?   

What makes a theocracy good or bad is the Law that it is based on and how breaking that law is handled.   

So what Law would a good theocracy institute and how would it deal with those who broke that Law?   

The Law of Spirit Of Life
The perfect Law Of Liberty

These two laws would serve as the foundation of all other laws.   

20181109 Jesus was a revolutionary, not just a covering for sin.   

The Kingdom Of Heaven (which is at hand) has largely been ignored by Christianity.   

Read the article below to see just how revolutionary He was And is.   If You are a Christian become a disciple by believing what He said as well as who He is.   

Jesus Says… by Barry Bennett I will, be thou clean.   Mt 8:3.   

I took your infirmities.   Mt 8:17.   

I bore your sicknesses.   Mt 8:17.   

I am moved with compassion toward the sick And I heal them.   Mt 14:14.   

I Heal All manner of sickness And All manner of disease.   Mt 4:23.   

According to your faith, be it unto You.   Mt 9:29.   

I Give You power And authority over All unclean spirits to cast them out, And to heal All manner of sickness And All manner of disease.   Mt 10:1 & Lk 9:1.   

I Heal them All.   Mt 12:15 & .   

As many as touch Me are made perfectly whole.   Mt 14:36.   

Healing is the children’s bread.   Mt 15:26.   

I do All things well.   I make the deaf to hear And the dumb to speak.   Mk 7:37.   

If You can believe, All things are possible to him that believeth.   Mk 9:23 Mk 11:23,24.   

When You lay hands on the sick they will recover.   Mk 16:18.   

My anointing heals the brokenhearted, And delivers the captives, recovers sight to the blind, And sets at liberty those that are bruised.   Lk 4:18 Isa 10:27 Isa 61:1.   

I Heal All those who have need of healing.   Lk 9:11.   

I am Not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.   Lk 9:56.   

Behold, I give You authority over All the enemy’s power And nothing shall by any means hurt You.   Lk 10:19.   

Sickness is satanic bondage And You ought to be loosed today Lk 13:16 & .   

In Me is life.    .   

I am the bread of life.   I give You life.   

The Words I speak unto You are Spirit And life.    .   

I am come that You might have life, And that You might have it more abundantly.    .   

I am the resurrection And the life.    .   

20231101 update After His resurrection Jesus said all power in heaven and earth is given to Me.   That means His Kingdom began at His resurrection and it includes the heavens and the earth.   

Christians were convinced by Satan to give our Lord's earthly Kingdom to him.   (What a bunch of fools we have been).   

When Jesus returns,
    immediately upon catching His bride into the air,
    He will destroy those to whom we have ceded His earthly Kingdom
    He will destroy the works of their hands.   
    He will then set foot on the Mount of Olives
    We will celebrate the wedding feast.   
    Thereafter He will establish His Kingdom over the earth for 1000 years.   
    He will reward His saints with positions of authority over the earth.