[ Created: 2023-07-07 13:58:02  Updated: 2023-12-31 07:41:23 Owner: rl ]
Title: Is faith a force or a vehicle?    



As is the case with many things spiritual, faith is both a force and a vehicle.   
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for truly I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Unbelief undermines faith and blocks the blessing from arriving.     

It is not the quantity of faith that is important, it is the quality.     unbelief pollutes faith.     

Pure faith in the absence of unbelief is capable of moving mountains.

Jesus said unto him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.
In this statement Jesus lays out the revolutionary Law Of Faith revealing how He has enabled us to access all Spiritual Blessings He has provided for us in Heavenly Places.     

How does He enable us?     By His Holy Spirit.     
The Holy Spirit gives us supernatural faith that enables us to believe, and so to receive.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.
A desire is the object of hope.     Desiring and Hoping are activities of the imagination.     

Faith is the state of our heart regarding that which we desire.     

Jesus is telling us to visualize a desire, ask for it and immediately receive it in faith.     

The act of desiring, hoping, asking, believing and receiving by faith is a seed that is planted.     The manifestation of that which is desired is the harvest.     

The Spiritual Law of Seed Time And Harvest is foundational to all that the Lord has created.     

1) We sow
2) the Lord produces
3) We harvest.

In the above scriptures we see ample evidence that faith is a force.   Notice that there is no qualitative intervention by the Lord in what faith accomplishes.   
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is substance.     
Substance is tangible.     
Hope is what is desired and anticipated.     

Faith is evidence.     
Evidence is proof.     
The promises of the Lord are not seen.     

Faith is substance in that it receives that which is asked for.     
Faith is evidence in that peace reigns.     

Faith pleases the Lord -
Faith comes by hearing the Word Of The Lord -
Faith is built up by Praying In The Spirit -

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to the Lord must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Believe that
    Jesus is Mighty God
    Jesus is loving and giving
    Jesus will reveal Himself to those who seek Him
    Jesus Himself is your exceeding great reward

Faith is the power to appropriate what Grace has provided.     It pleases the Lord Jesus for us to receive what He has made available to us.     

In the above verses we see clearly that faith is a vehicle.   It is substance and evidence.   It is something that is necessary to please the Lord.   

What difference does it make whether faith is a force or a vehicle or both?   
    Since faith is a force, it accomplishes things by the Law Of Faith and the Law Of Sowing And Reaping.   These laws were ordained by the Lord and as is the case with all His Words, they accomplish the purpose with which they are sent.   
    Since faith is a vehicle, it takes a person from need to comfort, from poverty to prosperity

The point of this article is to point out that the Lord is not making decisions on what is accomplished by faith and what is not.   

It is pleasing to the Lord when His children put His promises to work and operate in His Laws.   
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.
To abide in Jesus is:
    to be Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ
    to be filled with His Holy Spirit.     
    to have the Mind Of Christ.     

When you are in the Holy Spirit, in the Word and have the Mind Of Christ, you know that He has provided all things for life and godliness, so that when you ask, you receive .