In order to understand our Creator we must begin at the beginning. He made man in His image. This means that we are like Him in structure.
Our Creator is Spirit Soul And Body. He is Spirit . He has a Soul ( Mind, Emotions and Will). He manifests in a Body .
Man was created in the image of his Creator so he is also Spirit Soul And Body.
The spirit part of man died in Eden and so we had to be Born Again to have a New Spirit with which to fellowship with our Creator.
Assuming there is one God rather than three, we can understand that this one God who is a Spirit who created all things .
→ We know that the Word existed eternally with God and was in fact God .
→ We know that the Word is the Son, Christ Jesus .
→ We know that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary so that the Holy Spirit is the Father of Christ Jesus .
→ We know that there is only one Spirit .
→ Since God is a Spirit then He must be the Holy Spirit.
→ Since the Word is God and Jesus is the Word, then Jesus is God.
→ Since Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body then the Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.
We end up with one God who is the Holy Spirit, who is the Father of the body of Christ Jesus who is the image of the Holy Spirit.