The Union is once again in jeopardy. Interestingly enough, the issue is still Slavery.
This time it is not racial Slavery but Socialism Slavery. You can identify Socialism Slavery states along the lines of the Electoral College.
In the last election the Electoral College made Donald Trump president. The Socialism Slavery states are still pushing back on that election because of deep-rooted animosity toward the Constitutional Capitalism, the enemy of Socialism Slavery.
The intensity of opposition to Constitutional Capitalism by the Socialism Slavery element in our country is ramping up. It is likely that history will reveal that the C O V I D- 19 Hoax was perpetrated by the Left whose end game is Socialism Slavery.
Will the U.S. be able to survive the conflict between Socialism Slavery and Constitutional Capitalism? Will there be violence to resolve the conflict? Will states Secede? Will there be a new Confederation of states?
NY and CA are dying. It may take a while but their deaths are inevitable. This is because you don't get to choose the consequences of your choices. As the Word says, "the wages of sin is death".
Trump has left NY, Hannity is talking about leaving NY. There have been many more lesser known people and companies that have left these states.
There is a push for the upside down states to be bailed out by the prosperous ones. This is state-level socialism. It will destroy the entire nation if the bailout occurs.
Bankrupt states must be taken over by prosperous states and cleaned up just like happens in the corporate world.
Assets (people and businesses) will be saved.
Liabilities (government programs and government incurred debt and responsibilities) will be tossed.
This is how it works in nature, It is actually a premise of Evolution Theory - survival of the fittest. It is amazing that the people who believe in Evolution Theory don't believe in allowing it to play out.
The population size of these states makes their financial and political situation a problem for the entire nation.