[ Created: 2023-07-03 23:19:31  Updated: 2023-07-03 23:47:40 Owner: rl ]
Title: What Satan has convinced believers to do    



Jesus had a specific mission to accomplish at His first coming.   It was to redeem mankind from the penalty of sin.   In He was saying that His kingdom was not of the age of His first appearance.   

As soon as He was resurrected He said all power in heaven and earth was His.   He received His Kingdom on His resurrection.   

He left His disciples to convert the world to receive Jesus as Saviour, Lord and King.   It was through the preaching of the Gospel that the world would be transformed so that His will was done on earth as in heaven.   

Since believers have stopped proclaiming the exclusivity of Christ for salvation, the enemy has jumped on the watered down Gospel.   

Anyone who thinks it is Christ's will for the children of Satan to rule out Lord's property has believed a lie from Satan.   

It is interesting that when Christ returns, the very next thing He does after catching us up into the air with Him, is that He physically destroys the wicked and the works of their hands in His Day Of Wrath.   

The question is: Is it wrong for us, His heirs, filled with His Spirit to destroy the wicked, if that is in fact what He will do?   

It really is idiotic to think that we are to submit to the devil when the Word instructs us to resist him.   

Jesus is the righteous judge and He judges rightly by the Holy Spirit.   We who are filled with His Spirit are able to judge rightly by that same Spirit.   

To default on our responsibility as stewards of His kingdom while He is away makes us "wicked, unprofitable servants".