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[ Created: 2012-01-19 12:39:35  Updated: 2024-06-05 07:58:28 Owner: rl ]
Title: A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive    



There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.    - Benjamin Disraeli and Mark Twain It is foolish to expect unregenerate humans to act with integrity.   Integrity is one of God`s traits.   Only those who admire God will demonstrate his traits.   So, when you hear a person lie, understand you are dealing with a liar.   

Lying is what a liar does.   Stop expecting a liar to speak the truth.   Truth to a liar is anything they say.   

When you reject the Truth the only thing left is a lie.   

God`s Word is Truth.   To justify yourself when you are in conflict with God`s Word you must accept a lie.   Once you accept one lie, the rest are easy.   

Don`t stress yourself over lies coming from liars.   It`s what they do.   
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
It is interesting that of all the vile sins that are enumerated here, the first two are the sins of fear and unbelief.     

It could be that these two sins are the seeds from which all other sins sprout.     

The last sin in the list is one that has become pervasive in our society.     Lying has become a part of the way many people do business.     It is also part and parcel of our political system.     

There is no amount of wealth or power that is worth an eternity in the Lake Of Fire.

20221130 Lie versus Truth Clarity and simplicity are of Light and Truth.   
    Satan is a liar,
    His followers believe his lies,
    They produce their own lies

Satan knows that he is a liar.   
His followers know that they are liars.   
But lies are all that either has and so they cling to them.   

When we receive Christ, we receive the Truth upon which we stand.   Accordingly, not only do we have no need for lies, we have a Godly aversion to lies and liars.   

I realize that some reading this will reject the truth of it, but that is simply evidence of their being under the spell of the chief liar and his big lie: `there is no God`.    To such I say: "Turn your face to the Light and Truth of Christ Jesus for just a moment and allow Him to transform you forever".   

20221231 Lying Imagination We are at the point where liars work 24/7 to prop up their lies.   There are two aspects of that work:
    repeating their lies for effect
    denying Truth from coming to light

This state of affairs how the pre-Flood society was.   
And the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Our Lord created humanity for us to be His children - to be like Him.     
We exist at His pleasure.     

The people at the time of The Flood had completely disconnected from the Lord and His purpose for them.     
The Lord destroyed that generation because they were filthy, dishonourable and irreversably aligned with Satan.     

The elites of this world (who control the Seven Mountains of influence) are in the same state of corruption as during Noah`s day.     They too will be destroyed.     

The Lord saved Noah and his family while He destroyed everyone else.     

When Jesus returns He will do the same thing.     He will catch all believers, dead and living, up to Him in the air.     Then He will destroy the unbelievers and their monuments with the Word Of His Mouth.     

And just as there was a new beginning for the world under Noah, there will be a new Millennial Kingdom under our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have reached the point around the world where the imaginations of the thoughts of the hearts of people are continuously evil.   There will not be another Flood.   However, there is coming a Day Of Wrath, right after those In Christ Jesus are taken up into the clouds.   

20221231 Dealing with lies and liars Jesus came proclaiming the Truth in the midst of a religious and secular world of lies and liars.   He was rejected, persecuted and murdered for doing so.   

Our responsibility to our Lord is to be salt and light, putting us in the position of being rejected, persecuted and murdered for doing so.   
Hence, we are to confront lies and liars head on - not to defend ourselves but to defend the Truth.   

Just as in Jesus` day, people must know the Truth in order to be set free.   

No one gets a free pass to lie and be a liar.   They must be brought face to face with the Truth so they can repent and be saved.