July 4th in the year 1776 was not a day of celebration. Rather it was a sober day when Americans signed their death warrants.
To announce one's independence from a tyrant is not the same as being free of the tyrant.
Seven years after the declaration, a peace treaty was signed. Many lives and fortunes had been lost by those who chose to fight rather than submit.
We admire the sacrifice that these early Americans made for our future.
But where is that American spirit today?
→ Taxation is many times heavier than it was under Great Britain.
→ Law enforcers are everywhere now - local police, sheriffs, SBI, FBI, CIA, ATF, IRS and innumerable regulators.
And now we have a government enforcing immorality as normality along with its corporate partners.
Why do we put up with this?
Because we created the mess?
Because it's our mess?
Injustice and tyranny are unacceptable to a free spirit. Only a spirit in bondage is willing to accept injustice and tyanny.
And so we see the conflict that is dividing our country - the enslaved versus the free.
This can also be characterized as the unbeliever versus the believers. ie Atheists versus Christians.
As mentioned above, those in bondage readily accept more bondage. Those who have been made free In Christ Jesus find any form of bondage unacceptable.
There does not seem to be a preponderance of free people in our country today. So, the American system of government including its election process is mired in bondage.
If we ever are to celebrate America again, rather than just memorializing her, there will have to be a revival of the American spirit of freedom. It is virtually impossible for the American spirit to revive without spiritual revival through a return to devout Christianity.
Who today is willing to sign a declaration of independence from Satan and his political, economic and social system which we are forced to serve?
→ Without signers, there is no commitment.
→ Without commitment, there is no battle.
→ Without battle, there is no victory.