[ Created: 2023-01-24 08:01:38  Updated: 2023-04-26 07:45:44 Owner: rl ]
Title: The Holy Spirit is the Creator and Father    


In the translation of the scriptures when multiple aspects of our Creator are mentioned, the word 'and' was used rather than ' who is also'.   
    'and' implies multiplicity of individuals
    'who is also' implies multiplicity of features or functions.   

Here is an example of the confusion resulting from the word 'and':

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.    This can be read as 'One God and One Father of all' because of the power of the word 'and' implying there is a God and there is a Father.   
However, it is more accurately read as: 'One God who is Father of all'.   

And since 'God' is a Spirit an even better reading would be: 'One Holy Spirit who is Father of all'.   

Here is another example:

We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, This can be read with the understanding that there is God and there is the Father and there is Christ Jesus.   
However, it is more accurately read as: 'We give thanks to the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus who fathered Him, praying always for you,'

Multiplicity with respect to deity leads to polytheism which is error.   

To grasp the scriptures correctly regarding the terms Father, Son and Holy Spirit we simply need to understand this:
    The Father is the one that begets.   Father is a function, not necessarily a different person.   
    The Son is the one who is begotten.   Son represents a relationship and is not necessarily a different person.   
    Holy Spirit references the eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Creator.   He is a person.   

So, the question that arises is: "Who is the Father?"
Jesus was begotten by the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit is Father.   

Jesus said He was in the Father and the Father was in Him.   This means that the Spirit Of Christ is the Holy Spirit.   

There is One God who is Spirit, who is the Holy Spirit, who is the Father of Christ Jesus and who is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.   

Our Creator is one being who is Spirit who has a Soul and manifests physically in His Body.   
    The Holy Spirit is our Creator by the Word who is pre-incarnate Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is our Father by Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is our Saviour by Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is our Healer by Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is the Truth, manifested by Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is the Life, manifested by Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is the destination, the Way to which is by Christ Jesus.   
    The Holy Spirit is Eternal Life.   
    The Holy Spirit is Abundant Life.   
    The Holy Spirit is in us and we are in Him by virtue of Christ Jesus

Understanding this is critical for us to pray correctly and to see the power of our Creator manifested in and through us.   

We aught to pray to the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus ( God) in the name of Jesus ( God's name).   

We aught too go forth proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( God) by the power of His Holy Spirit ( God).