And I fell at his feet to Worship him. And he said unto me, See you do it not: I am your fellowservant, and of your brothers that have the Testimony of Jesus: Worship God: for the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. -
Rev 19:10The
TestimonyOfJesusChrist states that
Jesus is:
SonOfGod 2)
SonOfMan, 3)
WayTruthAndLife 4)
DoorToHeaven, 5)
ImageOfGod, 6)
RighteousJudge, 7)
EverlastingFather, 8)
PrinceOfPreace, 9)
KingOfKings, 10)
LordOfLords, 11)
LambOfGod, 12)
AlphaAndOmega, 13)
SaviourAndLord, 14)
AncientOfDays, 15)
A Testimony for or against something is a Powerful thing. It affects the Opinions of the Hearers in one direction or another.
In a court of Law it can determine a verdict of Guilty or Innocent.
In marketing a Testimony can sway the undecided to Purchase a product.
In a Church meeting it can Edify the Hearers.
To the Unbeliever a Testimony can plant a Seed producing Faith.
To a Believer it Enables us to Overcome the Enemy:
To a Disciple it is a Duty:
Our Testimony of Jesus is our Light. We are to let it shine.
Darkness is the absence of Light. All that has to happen for Darkness to set in is for the Light to go out.
While Jesus was in the world He was the Light. Now that He is at the Right hand of the Father, we are the Light of the world. Our Testimony bears Witness to the Truth and Grace of God through Christ Jesus.
Your Family Needs your Testimony.
Your friends Need your Testimony.
Your community Needs your Testimony.
Our Nation Needs our Testimony.
The world Needs our Testimony.