I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing. - Joh 15:5
When we are young we are very dependent on our parents. At some point we begin to break away from that dependence. If we live long enough we come back to a state of dependence.
For many thousands of years this was the cycle of Human life. Dependence, Independence, Dependence.
Over the past sixy years we have seen a new pattern of Human life develop: Dependence, dependence, dependence.
This pattern was introduced, not by God, but by man who understood the Power that is wielded by the person or entity which provides for those who are dependent on them.
Thus, The Great Society. An insidious plan, not to liberate and elevate people, but one which, much like the drug pusher, enslaved the people.
In parallel to The Great Society was the growth of the Medical Industry supported by Insurance Companies. In the name of promoting Health, the people became enslaved to insurance premiums, medical doctors, and pharmacies.
So, we find ourselves today in a situation where many Freeborn Americans are not Free in the most important areas of their physical lives - their finances and their health.
Furthermore the national debt is out of control because of Government role in supporting financial and health dependencies.
As we look at the current leveraging of our health dependency with respect to COVID-19 and Vaccines it is becoming crystal clear that something is very very wrong.
The financial implications of our health dependency is yet to be considered but it will eventually hit us in the face.
When we look at a drug-abuser and see their destroyed lives we are appalled. Why is it that we cannot see the horror of our Dependency on Government for Financial and Health support?
It is the same blindness and self-deception that the drug-abuser experiences. "I can quit any time I want."
In the verse above Jesus tells us where our Dependency really is. We know that Jehovah-jirah is the name of God expressing the fact that He is our Provider.
But societally we have broken away from Jehovah-jirah, the true vine and we have hewn out broken cisterns that can hold no water.
So, we are addicted to the Government for Financial support and we are addicted to the Medical Industry for our Health support.
These addictions will destroy us and the Government that is being drained by supporting them.
So what is the solution? How do we get delivered from these addictions?
It is always a good idea to look back when you find yourself in a place you never intended. The ProdigalSon did so and he was restored.
It is important to note that the Government enslavement of its people financially and the Medical Industry's enslavement of the people to HealthCare were simply actions to fill a void.
Not recognizing our dependence on God was the turning point for our country. This happened gradually but increasingly.
Jesus told us we can do nothing without Him. It is in Him that we live and breath. It is in Him that we Hope.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. - Phi 4:13
You see, He is still our Provider, our Strength and our Hope. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is still the only Hope for Humanity.