| You might be a bureaucrat if:
- your job was created by a law
- you can stay out of work for 6 weeks and no one misses you
- you stand between a desire and its fulfillment
- your income is from government coffers
- you believe that nothing can be done without policy
- you believe that nothing should be done without policy
- you believe that violating policy is worse than violating the 10 commandments
- you honor policy more than right
- you honor policy more than humanity
- you don't care what happens to the country as long as your job is unaffected
- you believe that more government is needed
- you don't trust anyone but yourself or another bureaucrat
- you sacrifice freedom for the good of the bureaucracy
- you truly believe you help someone by applying red tape
- you elevate process over production
- you believe that people must be saved from themselves
- you are threatened by creativity
- you are threatened by independence
- you are threatened by non-conformity
- you don't understand how nature works (without bureacracy)
- you frequently use the phrase that's how it is as if that justifies
- you frequently use the phrase that's the law as if that justifies
- you frequently use the phrase I'm just doing my job as if that justifies
- you are comfortable using the phrase I will have to report that
- you believe policy is good as it serves to provide a scapegoat when things go wrong
- you believe that policy is good since it came from above (you administratively)
- you consider freedom to be anything which policy does not cover
- you feel that policy should cover everything
- you assume overseers are immune to the problems that plague the overseen
- you consider any external schedule offensive that imposes on your schedule
- you react to such external schedule impositions by extending your schedule
- you consider any complaint as grounds for a new policy
- you would never shoot someone but you are fully capable of grinding them to dust
- you would never verbally abuse someone but you have no problem treating them as a statistic
- you can ignore phone calls or emails with impunity
- you expect a raise simply because you follow policy
- you expect a retirement pension simply because you endured
- you never question policy
- you always question those who question policy
- you never wonder how things aught to be
- you never question your own motives
- you never question the validity of your existence
- you only consider the ethics outlined in policy
- you believe there cannot be too much policy
- you believe the solution to bad bureaucracy is a new bureau to oversee it
- you believe paying taxes is a privilege
- you believe that taxpayers are ignorant
- you believe that taxpayers have too much wealth
- you believe that taxpayers who complain should have their taxes raised so that they will have to work a second job thus eliminating the time they spend complaining
- you believe a regulation is a good thing
- you believe that regulation requiring a license is a better than a simple regulation
- you believe that a regulation requiring a renewable license is better than a regulation requiring a one-time license
- you believe in tax and spend to the second power - tax their taxes and tax them when they spend
- you believe that Irish and Chinese bureaucrats came to America to escape being persecuted for their bureaucracy
- you believe that our country was built on the backs of those Irish and Chinese bureaucrats
- you believe that immigration requirements should be relaxed so that there will be more people to regulate, to tax and to frustrate (not to mention - to vote)
- you believe that our country can spend its way out of debt
- you believe that our country needs you doing what you are doing
- you understand that money is just paper and that paper is cheap so we should keep printing money to give the paper value
- you believe that natural resources are unlimited
- you believe that food is created at Food Lion
- you think that truck drivers drive big fuel-inefficient rigs for the fun of it
- you think that a deadbeat can be rehabilitated by a handout
- you think that a jobless person will find a job before his unemployment runs out
- you think an unwed mother won't impregnate herself to get a raise
- you think that people who get food stamps can't get their hands on cash
- you think that people given a stipend will work anyway
- you truly believe that poverty can be eliminated
- you truly believe that poverty can be eliminated from the cofers of the wealthy
- you don't understand the principle of 'seed, time and harvest'
- you think that daylight savings time really saves time
- you think that daylight savings time is a good idea
- you think that President's Day makes sense
- you think that government is good
- you think that big government is better than basic government
- you think that private property demonstrates greed
- you think that good intention outweighs any bad results
- you think that bad policy should be corrected with additional policy
- you think that ethical behavior can be legislated
- you don't know what your department does
- you don't know what your agency does
- you don't know who your boss is
- you don't care that you might be a bureaucrat
- your mother and father were bureaucrats
- your teachers were bureaucrats
- you don't go to church
- you don't know anyone who goes to church
- you think that churches should be regulated
- you think that churches should be taxed and regulated
- you think that all the assets in churches should be confiscated for better use by the government
- you don't know God
- you don't know there is a God
- you think that if there is a God , He should be regulated
- you think all law is good by definition
- you think laws should last forever
- you think lawmakers are infallible
- you think policy makers are infallible
- you think God messed up
- you believe in prayer - as long as it is for leniency when policy is violated
- you believe in charitable giving - as long as the funds come from the tax coffers
- you pray for peace - because you are a coward
- you believe that power corrupts when that power is not held by the government
- you believe absolute power doesn't corrupt absolutely - rather it is the lofty goal of bureaucracy
- you get your political opinions from HollyWood
- you would undergo any imaginable abuse to keep your job
- you would mete out any imaginable abuse to keep your job
- you smile when you hear the words Federal Bureaucracy
- you frown when you hear the words budget cuts
- you smile when you hear the words Big Government
- you frown when you hear the words reduce the size of government
- you smile when you hear the words tax increase
- you frown when you hear the words tax decrease