    [ Created: 2013-07-25 15:38:12  Updated: 2019-03-27 13:18:15   Owner: rl ]
Title: A Gift of the Spirit of God    

HolySpirit Gifts :
  1. Word of Wisdom

    This is a direct Supernatural Act of the Holy Spirit to grant Wisdom to a specific Believer at a specific Time to deal with a specific situation. It is the Supernatural ability to apply Knowledge. How, when and where to do something and maybe even Why.

  2. Word of Knowledge

    A Word of Knowledge is a definite conviction, impression, or knowing that comes to You in a similitude ( a Mental picture ), a Dream , through a Vision , or by a Scripture that is quickened to You. It is Supernatural insight or Understanding of circumstances, situations, problems, or a Body of Facts by Revelation ; that is , without assistance by any Human resource but solely by Divine aid.

  3. Faith

    The Gift of Faith is the Supernatural ability to Believe God without Doubt , combat Unbelief , and visualize what God wants to accomplish. It is not Only an inner conviction impelled by an urgent and higher Calling , but also a Supernatural ability to meet adverse Circumstances with Trust in God's Words and messages.

  4. Gifts of Healing

    The Gift of Healings refers to Supernatural Healing without Human aid; it is a special Gift to Pray for specific Diseases .

  5. working of Miracles

    A Miracle is the Performance of something which is against the Laws of Nature ; it is a Supernatural Power to intervene and counteract earthly and Evil forces. The Word Miracles comes from the Greek Word dunamis which means "power and Might that multiplies itself."

    The Gift of Miracles operates closely with the Power Gifts of Faith and Healings to bring Authority over Satan , Sickness , Sin , and the binding Forces of this age. Miracles can also be defined as Supernatural Intercessions of God. God Exhorts us with energy to do something that is not natural or normal to Us. Just as the Ministry Gift of Miracles is the expression of Prayer , so is the function of the Holy Spirit to direct our Prayers ( (Romans 8:26 ).

  6. Prophecy

    The Gift of prophecy edifies, exhorts, and Comforts ( I Corinthians 14:3 ); Helps us build up or strengthen; and should lead us to the Word of God. It is the Ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict of Sin , of Righteousness , and of Judgment to come ( (John 16:8-11 ).

  7. Discerning of Spirits

    Discerning of Spirits is the Supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the source of a Spiritual Manifestation and determine whether it is of God ( (Acts 10:30-35 ), of the Devil ( (Acts 16:16-18 ), of man ( (Acts 8:18-23 ), or of the world. It is not Mind reading, psychic phenomena, or the ability to criticize and find fault.

  8. Different Kinds of Tongues

    Supernatural utterance through the Power of the Holy Spirit in a person that Manifests as Spiritual language. The Holy Spirit energizes the Tongue to Edify Believers through language and music.

  9. Interpretation of Tongues

    Interpretation of Tongues is a Supernatural verbalization and subsequent interpretation to reveal the meaning of a diverse Tongue. This Gift operates out of the Mind of the Spirit rather than out of the Mind of man.

Are the Gifts of the HolySpirit for the Church today? Yes!!!
There is no Scripture to support the idea that the Power of the HolySpirit was only for the first century Christians .

Luke 11:13
If ye then, being Evil , Know how to Give Good Gifts unto your Children : how much more shall your Heavenly Father Give the Holy Spirit to them that Ask him?

There is a description of the Gifts of the HolySpirit : 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

1 Corinthians 14:12
Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of Spiritual gifts, Seek that ye may excel to the Edifying of the Church.

We need the Gifts. Let's covet them for oursakes, the church's and the world!