[ Created: 2011-07-30 07:56:22  Updated: 2023-01-16 04:56:26 Owner: rl ]
Title: Confident desire of obtaining some future good    


Hope is a positive imagination.   
And now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. -
love is the state of the Lord from which faith and hope eminate.     
The more we grasp the Love Of God for us the purer our faith in Him and the more intense our hope in Him.

We know how important faith is.   It is impossible to please the Lord without it.   -

We know how important love is.   It is the greatest of the 3 and we are commanded to love the Lord and man.   -

But what about hope?   

Hope is necessary for us to receive by faith.   hope is the thing for which we have faith.   -
And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of the Lord is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us. -
hope is the the object of that for which we have faith.     

Hope is a positive imagination.     

We were created to create.     
In order to create we must imagine that which we would like to create.     The effort that we put forth to create that which we have imagined comes from the faith that we will succeed.     

Without Hope, there is no faith and so no effort to create.     We become dull.     For a person to become dull is shameful.     

But when we hope we are covered with the love of the Lord by the Holy Spirit.     And we see the glory of the Lord manifesting through us in that which we create by faith.

A person that is poor, ignorant or sickly experiences shame because of their needs as there is a stigma associated with such people.   

Underlying persistent need is a lack of hope.   

Some would say that their lack of hope is a result of their neediness.   
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, says he to you; but his heart is not with you. -
What we truly believe is in our hearts.     It manifests in how we think, what we say and what we do.     

This is the Truth about need - it is a heart problem.   

This is why Jesus said "You must be BornAgain!" -
Our Sin Nature tends toward doubt, fear and a lack of hope.   

The New Nature that is created by the Holy Spirit is designed to operate in faith, hope and love.   
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. -
The strength of Christ Jesus is the Holy Spirit.     

The disciples were commanded to stay in jerusalem until they were endued with the power of the Holy Spirit.     

We are not limited by our physical assets.     

We can deal with any circumstance, overcome any obstacle and accomplish whatsoever we desire by power of the Holy Spirit.

But what "things" is this verse referring to?   

The "things" are what we hope for - the "things" that we imagine.   

It doesn't matter whether or not you have strength if you do not have a task to perform.   

The Lord expects us to hope for "things" because He has provided strength by Christ Jesus to receive them.   

God expects us to have faith to bring our hopes into reality.   
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. -
faith is substance.     
substance is tangible.     
hope is what is desired and anticipated.     

Faith is evidence.     
evidence is proof.     
The promises of the Lord are not seen.     

Faith is substance in that it receives that which is asked for.     
faith is evidence in that peace reigns.     

Faith pleases the Lord -
faith comes by hearing the Word Of The Lord -
faith is built up by Praying In The Spirit -

Whatever we desire is what we hope for.   
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. -
A desire is the object of hope.     Desiring and Hoping are activities of the imagination.     

Faith is the state of our heart regarding that which we desire.     

Jesus is telling us to visualize a desire, ask for it and immediately receive it in faith.     

The act of desiring, hoping, asking, believing and receiving by faith is a seed that is planted.     The manifestation of that which is desired is the harvest.     

The Spiritual Law of Seed Time And Harvest is foundational to all that the Lord has created.     

1) We sow
2) the Lord produces
3) We harvest.

So, if you have no imagination, no desire, no vision, no hope then there is no need for faith.   
The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. -
The thief is Satan who is the inspiration for all the evil in the world.     
Whereas the 'I' is Jesus who offers us Eternal Life and Abundant Life.     

This verse is a powerful statement contrasting the nature of the enemy with the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ.     

Note that the enemy takes by force what is ours, while we must appropriate by faith what is ours in Christ Jesus.     
The appropriation is not a 'one and done' thing.     Rather, it is an ongoing process throughout our lives on this earth.     

Jesus has given us His life in giving us His Holy Spirit who is in every believer who has asked to be filled.     We aught to invoke His life into every aspect of our walk in the earth.

The Lord wants you to prosper and be in good health.   -
But you must hope for these "things".   
You must imagine yourself prosperous, healthy.   

If you do not have hopes then the enemy has stolen from you.   You will not experience abundant life without hope.   

Don't be afraid to hope.   Our heavenly Father owns everything and He wants to give it to His children.   

"Have Faith in the Lord" for the "things" for which you hope!   -