How do you get joy? Where does it come from?
The Kingdom Of God is the Kingdom Of Heaven. It is about relationship with the Holy Spirit Father of Christ Jesus, by which we manifest His righteousness, peace, joy and love.
The Kingdom Of God is, first of all, in our minds and hearts. From there it transforms our thoughts, our words, our actions, our very lives. Gal 5:25
Hope is positive expectations. We are to abound in hope.
Our Heavenly Father is not only hopeful Himself but He is the fulfiller of our hopes.
Our joy, peace, faith and hope are directly related to the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. Eph 3:20
To the extent that we walk in the Holy Spirit we experience the spiritual blessings that are provided to us in Heavenly Places. Eph 1:3
It is not in man to direct his own steps. Jer 10:23
Accordingly, instead of hope, there is a tendency toward hopelessness and expectation of evil.
Accordingly those who are secular or ritualistically or legalistically religious will come against those who receive the Gospel.
Regardless of others treatment of us, we experience joy in the Holy Spirit.
You cannot experience the fullness of Joy without the Holy Spirit!
To receive Christ is to receive His Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is so much more loving and giving than the best of parents. He will give Himself to anyone who asks Him.
The reality is that many believers do not want to manifest as Sons Of The Holy Spirit. They are content to just miss hell and enter heaven when they die.
But without the baptism of the Holy Spirit believers are ineffective as witnessed by the decline of the church and the secularization of society.
Jesus commanded the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. Only then were they to go forth preaching the Gospel of the kingdom.
If the disciples who walked with Jesus needed Spirit Baptism, on what basis do believers think that they do not?