[ Created: 2011-06-12 08:18:33  Updated: 2023-04-11 07:59:46 Owner: rl ]
Title: Being baptised with the Holy Spirit    


The text below is from:

How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

We Now arrive to the very important question - how to Receive the Promise of the Father ; how to be baptised in the Holy Spirit.   The Word of God Gives us the answers here.   

Remember, if you are a Christian , you have the Holy Spirit already ( ( ).   The Word ''receive'' is used in the sense of making a guest welcome.   The Holy Spirit is Holy , and also a gentleman.   He Will not barge in if you don't want Him to.   His Power is Freely available to those who Will Trust and Obey ( ( ).   

It is not essential to have hands laid on you to Receive the Holy Spirit , but it is helpful provided the Believer who lays hands on you is spirit-filled and of Good Character.   There is a Spiritual impartation that comes with the laying on of hands.   We See the laying on of hands mentioned in connection with Receiving the Holy Spirit in , and .   Its important to realize that we Receive the Holy Spirit by Faith , and not merely by the laying on of hands.   

This is what needs to happen for you to be mightily filled with the Holy Spirit.   

Repentence ( necessary for Salvation.   See ; ; )

Examine yourself.   Be Honest with yourself and God.   God demands thorough Repentance from All Known Sin .   Decide to Live for God wholeheartedly.   Confess and forsake your sins, trusting Jesus for Forgiveness ( ( ; ).   If you have unforgiveness in your Heart towards anyone, you must Forgive that person ( ( ) Renounce Evil Power If you have ever dabbled in False Religions or any form of the occult ( including astrolgy ) you must renounce that Evil Power Now in the Name of Jesus.   It is from Satan and his Demons.   

If you are in Doubt about some practice or habit then renounce that too ( ( ).   God's Power and Demon Power don't mix well!   

Thirst After God Jesus explains in "If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.   He who Believes in Me , as the Scripture has said, 'From his innermost being shall flow Rivers of Living water'".   

The next verse tells us that this refers to the Holy Spirit.   

We must have a Desire to experience more in God in Order to be filled with the Spirit.   The more intense our Desire Is , the more powerfully we Will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.   We should Never Give up seeking God.   Faith is Born out of Desire.   

Ask In Faith Jesus said, 'If you then, being Evil , Know how to Give Good Gifts to your Children , how much more shall your Heavenly Father Give the Holy Spirit to those who Ask Him' ( ( ).   

' Ask and you Will Receive , that your Joy may be full'' ( ( )

We can have Faith because we Know from God's Word the Promises such as these.   See also .   It is obviously God's Will to keep his promises.   

Drink ''We have all been made to drink into one Spirit '' ( ).   In Hebrew and Greek the Word for Spirit is the same as the Word for breath.   When coming to God to be baptised in the Spirit , it is sometimes helpful after Prayer to take a few deep breaths in Faith , and as it were, to breath in the Holy Spirit.   We should come with a thirsty Heart to Jesus and drink.   ( ( ).    Receive We Receive the Holy Spirit as a Gift , not on the basis of works, but by 'hearing with Faith ' ( ( ).   We don't Receive by doing outward things, we must simply Believe that we Receive.   

''Therefore I Say to You , all things for which You Pray and Ask , Believe that You have Received them, and they shall be granted you.''

Yield to God As the expression of our Faith in God's Word , we yield control of our Tongue to God.   This yielding is an active thing - We do the Speaking , and the Holy Spirit Gives the language.   

Paul Says 'For if I Pray in a Tongue , my Spirit prays, but my Mind is unfruitful' ( ).   

Says 'And they began to Speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was Giving them utterance '( Margin Reads 'ability to Speak out' ).   

You must begin Speaking , trusting God to Give the language.   Do not worry about whether You Understand the sounds You make - You Will make the sounds according to the language that the Holy Spirit Gives you.   

Keep Speaking in Tongues , allowing the Holy Spirit to flood your Spirit , Soul and Body , drenching You in his Presence.   Keep Receiving until You are absolutely full of the Holy Spirit.   Begin to Praise God in your New language from God , thanking him for what he has done!   

Suggested Prayer to Ask for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit Dear Jesus , Thank You for the most wonderful Gift of all - the Gift of Salvation.   Lord , You promised another Gift - the Gift of the Holy Spirit.   I want all You have for Me.   Baptize me in the Holy Spirit like You did in the days of the Early Church.   I consecrate my Life to You.   I am a Believer and You said Lord that Believers would Speak in unknown languages ( Tongues ).   Give me Now this Gift of tongues.   I Believe I have Now Received the Power to do what I have asked for.   Thank You Jesus !   

( Now concentrate on Jesus.   Your step of Faith here is to open your Mouth and make syllables You don't Understand.   Trust that the Holy Spirit within You Will control what You Say and make it into a language for Prayer and Praise !   It really happens when You Believe enough to Act this Way.   )