There has never been and never will be deliverance from oppression without a human champion.
For the Conscientious Objectors out there:
→ Who saved humanity from The Flood? Noah.
→ Who saved Lot from Sodom? Angels in human form`
→ Who saved Egypt during the famine? Joseph.
→ Who delivered Israel from Egypt? Moses.
→ Who led Israel to victory in Canaan? Joshua.
→ Who delivered Israel from their oppressors?
→ Who delivered Israel from Goliath? David.
→ Who delivered us from the guilt and penalty for sin? Jesus.
I know there are some saying ` God did it!`. But my point is that in every instance He used a person, a champion to accomplish the task.
What makes us think that the time of champions has passed?
Do we now think that our Lord despises champions?
If so, where does that idea come from?
Somehow or other (and I think I know who is responsible) Christians have been duped into thinking that `God` does things unilaterally - that He controls everything.
I don`t want to get off on Calvinism and Extreme Sovereignty, so I will just say this: "Such passivistic, faithless, powerless theology came from Satan".
Moving along. ..
How is the antichrist going to be destroyed?
The man, Jesus, is coming back to finish destroying the works of the enemy that He initiated at His first advent. On that day, He is the champion who will bring deliverance to the earth.
So shuck off those false ideas and believe the examples of the Word. Become a champion for the Lord, for the people whom He died to save and for the earth which now belongs to Him.
When troubles come:
→ There is a time to pray.
→ There is a time to teach.
→ There is a time to prepare.
→ There is a time to go to war.
Those who do not recognize the history of the world in the above terms will be defeated and enslaved by the enemy who responds only to power wielded by champions.
A champion is one who puts aside their personal fears for the sake of others to defeat an enemy.
A coward is one who allows fear to weaken them so submitting themselves and others to bondage.
We are now Sons Of God. We are a royal priesthood. We are filled with the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord`s Word. We are filled with His Holy Spirit. We are well able to deliver by His strength.