But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to the Lord must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  |
Faith is an open valve enabling free flow from the Spirit Realm into the Physical Realm and vice-versa. By it we access the throne of Grace to receive help from and to render worship to our Lord. Doubt and unbelief shut the valve off.
The Lord`s nature, character and essence is love. His blessings flow to us in proportion to our awareness of this reality. Such awareness is called faith.
Faith is a positive expectation of what will be.
We receive from the Lord`s Grace through faith which comes from hearing the Word Of The Lord which reveals His love.
Faith is the state of knowing in your heart.
→ It doesn`t come and go.
→ It is always now.
→ It is a product of the Word.
→ It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
→ It is an aspect of a healthy relationship.
→ It appropriates the Lord`s Grace.
→ It eliminates fear.
→ It pleases the Lord.
Faith is a force in the universe instituted by our Creator. He established the Law Of Faith.
We see evidence of faith operating in people who are disconnected from our Creator. Such faith is limited but it still enables great accomplishments.
Supernatural faith is faith that accomplishes things which are impossible in the Physical Realm.
Supernatural faith has as its foundation the love, provision and knowledge of Christ Jesus.
Supernatural faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ and not in ourselves or others.
Faith is present, constant confidence. It is not subject to time or circumstance.
Unbelief operates solely in time and circumstance.
5 - Walking By Faith
1 - Grace And Faith
5 - Do Not Limit God