In considering What Would Jesus Do today we need to also consider the Day Of The Lord.
The Day Of The Lord speaks to His return, His Day Of Wrath, the Marriage Supper and the Millennial Kingdom.
If you follow the links above you will come to understand that our Lord (who does not change) will return to earth, not as a lamb, but as a lion.
The fact that Jesus is full of Grace and Truth does not preclude His sense of justice, nor does it overrule His plan for this earth and humanity.
Satan is a thief. He understands the power of the Truth and he understands the power of a lie.
Since His goal is to destroy humanity, he constantly attacks the Truth, trying to make us ignorant of it; that failing, he twists it and corrupts it.
And the Lord blessed them, and the Lord said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.  |
This means that our Lord wants us to dominate the earth in fellowship with Him. Fellowship with Him is in His Word and His Holy Spirit.
There has never been a Word And Spirit based government on this earth. Is that because it is not the Lord's will? Absolutely not. It is because man continues to defer to Satan who steals, kills and destroys.
Jesus purchased our salvation. This means He made it possible for us to be restored to oneness with Him and so rule and reign with Him. Jesus is now King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords. We are supposed to be the Kings and Lords under Him.
Those who are in darkness are supposed to under our authority as we are acting as stewards of our Lord's property until He returns.
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. |
It is absolutely unconscionable for evil men to have dominion over the Sons Of God.
Review these links:
→ Day Of The Lord
→ Day Of Wrath
→ Marriage Supper
→ Millennial Kingdom
for a better understanding of What Will Jesus Do.