[ Created: 2010-07-25 07:56:12  Updated: 2019-03-16 05:11:54 Owner: rl ]
Title: Transgression of moral Law , the child of Temptation , the parent of Death    



14 but every man is Tempted , when he is drawn away of his own Lust , and enticed.   
15 Then when Lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth Sin : and Sin , when it is Finished , bringeth forth Death.   

  • Sin is anything that hurts:
    1. Your Relationship with God
    2. Your Relationship with your neighbor
    3. Yourself
  • Specific Sins :
    • Old Testament
      • Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.   
      • Thou shalt Not make unto thee any graven Image
      • Thou shalt Not take the Name of the LORD thy God in Vain
      • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy
      • Honour thy Father and thy mother
      • Thou shalt Not kill
      • Thou shalt Not commit adultery
      • Thou shalt Not steal
      • Thou shalt Not bear False Witness against thy neighbour
      • Thou shalt Not covet...any thing that is thy neighbour`s
    • New Testament
      • Fornication - Consensual sexual intercourse between two persons Not married to each other
        ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
      • Drunkenness - Given to habitual excessive use of alcohol
        ; ; ; ;
      • Coveting - To Feel immoderate Desire for that which is another`s.   
      • Idolatry - The Worship of idols or excessive devotion to, or reverence for some person or thing
      • Railing - To Speak bitterly or reproachfully; complain violently:
      • Extortion - oppressive or illegal exaction, as of excessive price or interest
      • Adultery - Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse
      • Effeminate - having feminine qualities untypical of a man
      • Abusers of themselves with mankind
      • Profanity - to treat ( something sacred ) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt
  • Sin results in Death -
    For the wages of Sin is Death ; but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.   
  • Jesus died for all Sin -
    For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me Free from the Law of Sin and death.   
  • The Power of Sin is Guilt or Condemnation
  • Sin Consciousness -
    For then would they Not have ceased to be offered?   because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more Conscience of Sins.   

    for whatsoever is Not of Faith is Sin.   

Sin Consciousness is a Perversion of the Gospel.   It produces Guilt and Guilt undermines Faith.   

Without Faith it is impossible to Receive from God.   

Sin separates us from God while Faith connects us to God.   

Why does God Hate Sin ?   

Because it undermines our Life producing Relationship with Him.   

To Choose Life is to reject Sin.   It`s Just that simple.   

Don`t Condemn but rather pity the person who Sins.   They are undermining their own Life.   

Remember, Gospel means Good News.   

If your Thoughts are lustful or Just negative You are Not operating in the Gospel.   

The challenge is to Seek Life and repudiate Death.   

You Will Not Seek what You do Not Desire.   

If You are battling any Kind of Sin , Ask God to remove the Desire for that Sin.   

He Will set You Free as soon as You Ask Him!