[ Created: 2010-12-22 12:43:23  Updated: 2020-03-08 07:15:09 Owner: rl ]
Title: Unmerited favor of God    



G od's R evelation A bout C hrist's E xaltation

Grace is a person and his Name is Jesus


20190104 - Cheap Grace ?   

Grace was not cheap.   It cost the Son of God more than we can Understand.   Not Just the beatings, not just the humiliation, not just Physical Death but the Diseases and the Sins of All Humanity for All Time were cast upon Him.   On top of that He experienced separation from the Father as our Corruption was poured into Him.   

No, Grace is not cheap.   There are only people Ignorant of God's Love and Grace.   Those same people are likely still in captivity to Sin.   

Our job is to Preach the Good News of God's unilateral Forgiveness ( No , I don't have to Confess Sin because He has already forgiven it ) so that people are Born Again of His Spirit by Receiving Christ as their Lord and Saviour.   Only Ignorant people do not appreciate the Gift of God.   Let's Focus on preaching Christ and watch the Ignorance fade away.   

20190121 - Faith the Seed of Grace It seems there are two camps regarding Grace.   

1) There are those who have a distorted understanding of God who metes out Grace in measure at random times in unexpected ways based on a wierd combination of His temperament and their performance.   These folks often invoke God's sovereignty to cope.   

2) Then there are those who see Grace as the unsearchable riches of our inheritance in Christ Jesus which is tapped into by Faith in the Love of God that is revealed in His Word - written and incarnate.   

The Word is Seeds of Grace that not only meet specific needs but actually produce a tree containing fruit that may be picked as needed.   

Grace and Faith Study: