Always remember that Satan is a thief.
What is the stolen thing that this article is about?
The Truth that Christians are New Creatures
Was Jesus different than others of His day? Yes.
Was he different than others that came before him? Yes.
Was Jesus unique? Yes and No. He is the only begotten Son Of God. He is the only one of us who was born physically of the Holy Spirit.
But what made Jesus different was His Holy Spirit who empowered Him as a human to speak and to do superhuman things.
Jesus is the express image of His Holy Spirit and in that sense He is unique.
But Jesus is also the firstfruit of many that are like Him in Word and Holy Spirit.
Do you identify with Christ or with humanity?
Most Christians have been deceived by Satan to deny their New Species status. They see themselves only as patched up humans, receivers of mercy and Grace, packaged for delivery to heaven.
Jesus said nothing and did nothing that He does not want us to say and do. His disciples were and are empowered to preach the kingdom, to heal and to deliver.
The church was built by the New Species of humans who were Spirit Filled and Word based.
The church is weak today because it denies its New Species status. It is supposed to be the head and not the tail. It is supposed to be above and not beneath.
But instead of taking a humble stance of superiority In Christ, we have denied His work in us and made those who are in rebellion against Him acceptable.
That is an abomination to the Lord.
So, what are you going to do about it?
Repent of denying the Word
→ what our Lord has said about you
→ what He has made of you
→ what He expects of you.