[ Created: 2010-07-18 08:39:42  Updated: 2024-06-23 07:57:30 Owner: rl ]
Title: Jesus is the only begotten Son of God - Born of the Holy Spirit    



Pertaining to Christ Jesus To understand what is meant by Son Of God we must recognize that it is a phrase describing a person and an action.   

The person is God who is Spirit - the Holy Spirit.   

The action is the begetting, bringing forth, maniestation.   

Son implies begotten of and proceeding from the Father.   
We know that Jesus and His Father are One.   

We know that Jesus is the express image of His Father.   

So, unlike the individual uniqueness of a human father and his son, the Son Of God is His own Father and the Father is His own Son.   

Realizing this enables us to understand how all power in heaven and earth is in the Lord Jesus Christ and that only in the name of Jesus can a person know God and be accepted by God.   

Jesus Is Lord <=> Jesus Is God.   

Jesus is Spirit Soul And Body as are we who were created in His image.   
    Spirit Of God
    Soul Of God
    Body Of God.   

Pertaining to us A Son Of God is also a god.   Many believers balk at such a statement but the reality is that the Lord ordained that all life produce after its kind.   
    birds produce birds
    sheep produce sheep
    humans produce humans
    God produces gods

This is the amazing Truth and power of the New Birth.   When we are born of the Word and Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus we are like Him in the New Creature.   

A great Truth was stolen from the church by Satan, the thief.   

But, the day has come when that Truth has been recovered.   

What Truth?   

Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit Father are one.   We are in Christ by virtue of being in His Holy Spirit and His Holy Spirit in us.   

In that state we are one with the Holy Spirit Father.   Therefore we are greater than anything that comes against us.   

That is, if we believe what the Word says about us instead of circumstances and 'experts'.   
Beloved, now are we the sons of the Holy Spirit, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess Him as our risen Saviour we are born of the Word and the Holy Spirit as New Spirit beings.     

Accordingly, we are now Sons Of The Holy Spirit, even in these mortal bodies.     What glory we will experience in the translation at His appearing!     

The `appearing` of Christ has a two-fold meaning.     
    Jesus will return with every eye seeing Him and with us being translated from corruptible to incorruptible.     We will be gloriously changed into perfection
    The spiritual revelation of our identity in Christ is also an appearing of Christ in our psyche.     

When we begin to see ourselves as New Spirit beings empowered by the Holy Spirit we become like Christ Jesus.     The Mind Of Christ becomes our mind with the associated manifestation of His power and His authority.     -

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
By growing in Grace and knowledge of Christ we understand the perfect love of His Holy Spirit made available to us by His finished work.     

In that perfect love we know in whom we have believed and are embued with boldness and power to manifest Christ in this world by His Holy Spirit.     

Because of what our Lord Jesus has done for us, we are now also Sons Of The Holy Spirit who have access to His inheritance of all power in heaven and earth .     

It was His plan in the beginning for us to be in His image .      Now we are New Spirit beings awaiting the translation of our souls and bodies into His likeness .     

You are a New Creature in Christ - a New Spirit being.   You cannot know who you are except by investing in the Word and Holy Spirit.   

You extend your New Spirit being into your soul by meditating on the Word - what the Lord Jesus Christ says about you - and by fellowshipping with His Holy Spirit.