[ Created: 2002-01-05 05:41:24  Updated: 2022-11-23 18:09:30 Owner: rl ]
Title: Friendly association with people who share interests.    



Fellowship by E W Kenyon Fellowship is the ultimate of God`s dream for man.   Man was created by Love to answer the heart cry of the Father-God.   Man outside Love is a failure.   God created man to be His eternal associate and companion.   

Righteousness means fellowship.   This new kind of Righteousness was the "mystery kept hidden through the ages".   It was revealed by God to man through Paul.   It is the revelation of a new kind of Fellowship based upon legal grounds.   Man lost his Fellowship in the Garden.   It had never been restored to him.   Fellowship is the ultimate of God`s dream for man.   I Cor.   1:9 " God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." Our Fellowship is with the Father and with the Son.   

The New Kind of Love

It is the revelation of a new kind of love.   Natural, human love has failed.   It is the tragedy of the human race.   Love is the best thing that natural man has, but it turns to jealousy, bitter hatred, and sometimes murder.   The new kind of love is never selfish, never seeks its own.   It comes from the heart of the Father God who is love.   

This new kind of love is the greatest thing that ever came to man.   It is the solution of the human problem.   It is not only a revelation of these mighty things, but it is also a revelation of the new kind of Life.   Jesus said, "I am come that ye might have life." The New Creation has received the nature and life of God.   It makes man God`s son, makes man one with Christ and one with the Father.   It is the outstanding feature of Christianity-the greatest miracle of the ages.   

A New Covenant It is the revelation of a New Covenant.   The Old Covenant with its offerings, sacrifices, and laws was fulfilled and set aside.   The New Covenant was instituted with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.   He became the High Priest, and we became the priests of this New Covenant.   It is the Covenant that binds the believer to Christ, and Christ to the Believer- Jesus himself being the security.   It is the advent of a new wisdom.   Christ was made unto us wisdom.   It is the wisdom that cometh down from above.   This wisdom that cometh down from above is the ability to understand Revelation Knowledge.   Wisdom is the fruit of the human spirit.   

This new kind of wisdom is the fruit of the recreated and indwelt human spirit.   It is the revelation of the Lordship of Jesus-as well as the lordship of love and the lordship of the Word.   They all mean practically the same thing.   It is the revelation of a new kind of faith, of a faith walk, of a faith life.   Christianity is called "The Faith".   It is the revelation of the present ministry of Christ at the right hand of the Father.   It is the revelation of the Church as the body of Christ.   It is the revelation of the work of Christ from the Cross to the Throne.   A Revelation of His present ministry at the Right Hand of God for the Believer.   

Fellowship with the Father Gives Faith for Living by Barry Bennett Because I dwell in the secret Place of the Most High, I shall Abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.   

I Will Say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I Will Trust."

Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.   

He shall cover me with His feathers, And under His wings I shall take refuge; His Truth shall be my Shield and buckler.   

I shall not be Afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that Walks in Darkness, nor of the Destruction that lays waste at noonday.   

A thousand may fall at my side, And ten thousand at my Right hand; But it shall not come near me.   Only with my Eyes shall I look, And See the Reward of the Wicked.   

Because I have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, my dwelling Place, No Evil shall befall me, Nor shall any plague come near my dwelling;

For He shall Give His Angels charge over me, To keep me in all my ways.   In their hands they shall bear me up, Lest I dash my foot against a stone.   

I shall tread upon the Lion and the cobra, The young Lion and the serpent I shall trample underfoot.   

Because I have set my Love upon Him, therefore He Will deliver me; He Will set me on high, because I have known His Name.   

I shall call upon Him, and He Will answer me; He Will be with me in trouble; He Will deliver me and honor me.   

With long Life He Will satisfy me, And show me His Salvation.   (Ps.   91 personalized)