[ Created: 2010-06-05 11:38:58  Updated: 2018-07-23 12:15:56 Owner: rl ]
Title: To give full attention to something    


" Listen to me when I am talking to you!"

"Look at me when I am talking to you!"

"Did you hear what I said!?"

"What did I just tell you to do!?"

"I'm not going to tell you again!"

In today's world we unintentionally allow Children to develop undisciplined Minds.   Then, we waste a lot of time trying to work with the results including special ed, medication, etc.   

The digital age has brought distractions to fragment our attention in ways we never imagined.   TV commercials, news flashes, popup ads, split screens, moving banners, alerts, etc.   have served to make us jumpy - like squirrels!   

The great contributors to Society had great Powers of concentration - the ability to Focus for long periods of time.   Without the ability to Focus a person's Value as a contributor to Society is limited.   

Success requires Focus.   Failure requires no Focus at all.   

It will take years to assess the damage done to humanity.   

  • ADD
  • Meditation - ; ; ;
  • Mantra - ; ;
  • Victory - ;
  • Power - ; ;
  • Peace - ; ; ;

Barry Bennett: You Have Enough!   

Do you Believe that you have enough to Live the Abundant Life ?   Some may ask, “enough what?” “All I see is lack.” “All I feel is my affliction.”

When we Understand how the Kingdom works, we will realize that more than enough for every need is available right now.   The problem is our Focus.   

If I could give one word of counsel that would fit every possible situation and challenge, it would be this: Stop focusing on your Need and start recognizing your Seed !   

It isn’t our need that deserves our focus, time and attention.   Most of us, when challenged by a negative Circumstance , sickness or need, focus on that need.   We take every thought captive to the need.   We meditate on it day and night.   We talk about it to others.   Our lives revolve around the problem and pain.   

The disciples were frequently guilty of this.   When Jesus saw the multitude following Him with no food, He turned to His disciples and said, “You give them something to eat.” And they said to Him, “We have here only five loaves and two fish.” He said, “Bring them here to Me.” ( ( )

Like most of us they responded by focusing on the need.   “We have only …” When Jesus confronted the lame man at the pool of Bethesda, he responded when Jesus asked if he wanted to be well, “I have no man to help me.” He was allowing his Focus on his need to control his life.   

The Light of the Body is the Eye : therefore when thine Eye is single, thy whole Body also is full of Light ; but when thine Eye is Evil , thy Body also is full of Darkness.   ( ( )

What we See will determine how we Live.   If we can only See lack, need, pain and failure, that will be our future.   If we approach every challenge with the phrases, “I have ONLY,” or “I have no one to help me,” our futures will reflect those apparent limitations.   

If we can shift our Focus to the resources of God within us, everything changes.   

“that the sharing of your Faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every Good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus .” ( ( )

Within the Heart of every believer there exist the Divine resources to change our destinies.   Our resources are not impacted by the natural world and our circumstances.   Our resources are Spiritual and far more powerful than the natural afflictions that surround us.   

Our resources are the Seeds of God’s Grace.   They include His Name , His Word , His Covenant , His Blood , His Spirit , His Gifts , His Promises , His armor, His keys, His Authority , His Faith , His Joy and His Peace.   

We often feel so overwhelmed with our Circumstances that we may not even Believe that these resources lie within every Born Again Heart.   But they do.   And they must be sown as Seeds.   

If we could simply open our Spiritual Eyes and recognize the Wealth of God’s Seeds within, we would be on the road to Victory.   Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is as a man scattering Seed on the ground.   We are all Sowing Seed.   

The question is, what Seed are we Sowing ?   What are we focused on?   What are we seeing?   Stop focusing on your need and start recognizing your Seed !