The Holy Spirit is God (deity). The Written Word is God (deity). The Incarnate Word is God (deity). The Father is God (deity). God (deity) is One.
In the beginning the Word (Soul Of God) spoke and the Spirit (Spirit Of God) created.
This illustrates how the Holy Spirit and the Word work in tandem. This is because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Word and the Word is the expressed will of the Holy Spirit.
One God who is Spirit (Spirit Of God) and Word (Soul Of God). He is Jesus (Body Of God).
Jesus is our example. In the above see yourself as the `Son`.
The Father`s will is clarified in the Written Word and illustrated in the Incarnate Word.
We are now sons of the Holy Spirit through the New Birth and aught to behave as such.
This means that the creative process should continue through us according to the Word by the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit And Word are not two persons.
→ The Word Of The Lord is Truth.
→ The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Truth.
→ Jesus is the Truth.
→ The Holy Spirit is the Spirit Of Christ Jesus.
The Holy Spirit gives revelation knowledge of His Word.
→ the Word without the Spirit is dry and manifests no power, while
→ the Spirit without the Word is zealous without understanding.
The Spirit And Word catalyze one another as is witnessed in creation and in the life of Christ Jesus.
When we listen to any person we are impacted by what they say and how they say it.
→ What they say comes from their soul (mind).
→ How they say it comes from their spirit. The Truth is the Word Of The Lord.
The first fruit of the Holy Spirit is Love.
As we mature in Christ (come to have the Mind Of Christ) we will speak more Truth with more Love.