# | Item | Description |
1 | Repent | To alter your thinking, to change directions |
2 | Repentance | Changing of the mind - see Repent |
3 | 1 - A Better Way To Pray | A Better Way To Pray |
4 | 1 - Getting Along | Getting along with people |
5 | 2 - A Call To Prayer | A Call To Prayer |
6 | 2 - Fully Persuaded Faith | How to move mountains |
7 | 2 - God and Country | God and Country |
8 | 4 - Christians and Politics | Christians and Politics |
9 | 5 - Divine Healing | Divine Healing |
10 | 6 - Galatians | The epistle to the Galatians |
11 | 1 - Giving | Why, When and Where to Give |
12 | 1 - Overcoming Doubt | How To Overcome Doubt |
13 | 1 - Relationship With God | Relationship With God |
14 | 2 - Water Walking | How to Become a Water Walker |
15 | 2 - Where Am I From | Where Did I Come From |
16 | 2 - Your Spiritual Authority | Your Spiritual Authority in Christ Jesus |
17 | 3 - Sovereignty Of God | Sovereignty Of God |
18 | 3 - What Pleases God | What Pleases God |
19 | 4 - Harnessing Emotions | Harnessing Your Emotions |
20 | 5 - Killing Sacred Cows | Killing Sacred Cows |
21 | 5 - Romans | The Gospel of Grace |
22 | 6 - Romans | The importance of the book of Romans |
23 | Able To Hear | Prepared, interested and attentive |
24 | ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
25 | Agree | To hold the same Opinion, to Walk in Unity |
26 | Altar Call | A traditional invitation for a person to come physically to an Altar to be Saved |
27 | America- June- 2020 | Status update |
28 | America- June- 2021 | Status update |
29 | America- June- 2022 | Status update |
30 | American Revival | How America Can be Healed |
31 | Amoral | Without moral principles |
32 | Another Gospel | Any plan of Salvation other than through Christ Jesus |
33 | Anti Christ Kingdom | Repent for the Kingdom of Anti Christ is at hand |
34 | Anti Truth | Against Truth - for Lies |
35 | Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ | What does it mean to be baptized in the name of Jesus |
36 | Belial | The Devil - Satan |
37 | Belief | The act of believing, what you Believe |
38 | Believing | The state of being in Faith |
39 | Better Covenant | The Gospel is about a better Covenant |
40 | Blip | Little bit of Wisdom through RL |
41 | Book Of Job | A book on human perspectives about God |
42 | Burden | A weight that is difficult to bear |
43 | Calvinism | See TULIP |
44 | Celebrity | A well known person |
45 | Champion | A representative of the people who challenges their enemy |
46 | Change The Dialogue | Change the spirit and subject of the conversation |
47 | Chastise | To inflict punishment |
48 | Cheap Grace | Grace is not Cheap though it is Free |
49 | Childish | Acting inappropriately like a Child |
50 | Children | Progeny , offspring , legal heirs |
51 | Christian Clean Up | Going back to our First Love and doing the First Works |
52 | Christian Deception | No one is immune to Deception |
53 | Cleanup | To recognize filth, round it up, pick it up and dispose of it |
54 | Come To Repentance | True Repentance is a decision to take a journey |
55 | Commission | An assignment with status, Authority and Power |
56 | Communism or Communion | We will worship something - man or God |
57 | Compass | Something that points to the Truth |
58 | Confusion | Lack of Understanding ; uncertainty. |
59 | Consequence | The result of a Choice |
60 | Conservative | A person who espouses Conservatism |
61 | Convert | To change one's belief system or way of thinking - Repent |
62 | Crisis In America | When you come to a fork in the road, take it - Yogi Berra |
63 | Critical Thinking | Thinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas |
64 | Culturalism | Feeling your Culture is superior to others |
65 | Cycle | A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order |
66 | Dark Ages Christianity | Christian traditions developed in ignorance of the Word |
67 | Deceived | Convinced that a Lie is the Truth |
68 | Deluded | Immersed in a false reality |
69 | DEMO1_02 - Salvation by Grace | Salvation by Grace |
70 | DEMO1_06 - Repentance | Repentance |
71 | DEMO1_08 - Water Baptism | Water Baptism |
72 | Democrat | DEMagogues, Obamanators, Crack-pots, and RATS |
73 | Demon Oppressed | Harrangued by the Enemy through guilt and fear |
74 | Destination | The place to which it is going or being sent |
75 | Duality | Son and Servant, Spirit and Soul, Perfect and Carnal |
76 | Eating Your Seed | The opportunity cost of eating your seed |
77 | Election 2022 Results | Faith in man in the face of his failures |
78 | End Game | That part of a contest which accomplishes the goal of the contest |
79 | End Time Hagin | End time Prophecy by Kenneth Hagin |
80 | Enemies Of Christ | Reprobate minded soldiers of Satan |
81 | Enlightenment | Greater Knowledge and Understanding about a subject |
82 | Eunuch Minister | A minister that tries to appease everyone |
83 | Evil Generation | People of an age group Collective whose identity is Evil |
84 | Evil Men | Men who have chosen to go against God whose art is deception |
85 | Faith Healer | A person who Heals Weak Faith |
86 | Faith Or Sight | Walking by Faith or by Sight |
87 | Favor | Kindness and Blessing |
88 | Fearful And Unbelieving | Full of anxiety, vulnerable, doubtful |
89 | Federalist Papers | 85 essays by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison from 10/1787 - 5/1788 |
90 | Few Or Many | Will there be few or many who find Christ ? |
91 | Figment | A thing that someone Believes to be Real but that exists only in their Imagination |
92 | First Love | The intense, exhilerating, absorbing object of life |
93 | First Works | Works of righteousness - aspiring to the Spirit Walk |
94 | Foundation | Footing, base, substructure, infrastructure, underpinning |
95 | Freeloader | A person who enjoys the benefits of others efforts |
96 | Give | To offer freely |
97 | God Allow | Allowing or causing? Pleased or disappointed? |
98 | Godly | Thinking and acting like God |
99 | Godly Sorrow | Sorrow for being separated from the Lord by sin |
100 | Gospel | Good News of the Kingdom of God |
101 | Gospel Spirit | How to deliver the Good News of God's Grace |
102 | Government or God? | In whom do we trust? |
103 | Great Awakening 3 | The third great awakening |
104 | Guilty | Proven worthy of condemnation - Guilt |
105 | Healing | The state or act of being healed (see Heal) |
106 | Heart Turn | A core change of character, purpose and focus |
107 | Hebrews | Letter from Paul to the descendents of Jacob - the Jews |
108 | Hitler | He wasn't such a bad guy after all, was he? |
109 | Hoax | A plan accomplished by deception |
110 | Holy Spirit Disciples | Jesus commanded and the Holy Spirit worked in the Disciples |
111 | Homeless | No house, no apartment, no camper, no tent, no church, no friends, no family |
112 | Homosexual Destruction | Historical and observable destruction from homosexuality |
113 | Homosexuality | Bondage to Homosexual lifestyle |
114 | Human Condition | The state into which every human is born |
115 | Humble Themselves And Pray | How is the land Healed? |
116 | Idolatry | Valuing something higher than God |
117 | Imagination | Image + Nation → powerful, ruling, mental pictures |
118 | Infallible | Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong |
119 | Information Or Relation | The basis for your World View |
120 | Jesus Commandments | The 7 Commandments of Christ |
121 | Jesus Is Offensive | He is a Stumblingblock and rock of offence |
122 | Kingdom | Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
123 | Kingdom Come | The manifestation of the Kingdom of God |
124 | Lake Of Fire | Final place of torment |
125 | Leaven, Leanings, Leaves and Lamentations | As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. |
126 | Liar | A person who traffics in Lies |
127 | Liberty | Quality or state of being Free |
128 | Lie | A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive |
129 | Light And Darkness | Can America be united again? |
130 | Litmus Test | A decisively indicative test |
131 | Little By Little | Not all at once but gradually |
132 | Longsuffering | Patient endurance |
133 | Love For God | Reciprocating the Love of God |
134 | Love Is Not Sufficient | Christianity is about Relationship with Christ Jesus |
135 | Lukewarm | Neither hot nor cold |
136 | Manipulator | A person who strategizes on ways to control another person |
137 | Many Be Offended | Uncomfortable by a belief system challenge |
138 | Martyr | A person who dies in the service of our Lord |
139 | Meekness | Not Arrogant or self-serving |
140 | Memorial Day Apology | Who we were, Who we are and Who we will be |
141 | Mind Of Christ | A Heart and Soul that is of God and for God and that is God |
142 | MLK | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
143 | Monday Is My Favorite Day | How can Monday be my favorite day? |
144 | Mouth | The source of vocal utterance |
145 | My 2020 Testimony and Grief | The blessings and the disappointments of 2020 |
146 | Mystery Hidden | The Mystery of the Kingdom is still hidden to many |
147 | Mystery Of Iniquity | Satan is the Mystery of Iniquity |
148 | Name Of Jesus | The powerful, glorious name of Jesus |
149 | Neutered | Rendered ineffective; deprived of vigor or force . |
150 | New You | The New You and Holy Spirit |
151 | Normal | Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected |
152 | Our Future | What is on the Horizon? |
153 | Pandemic | An infectious disease that spreads worldwide |
154 | Part Of The Problem | Clearing up the Confusion in America |
155 | Patriotism | America - love it or leave it |
156 | Pearls And Swine | The Gift of God and the Spirit of Rebellion |
157 | Perception | Ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses |
158 | Perish | Suffer an untimely death |
159 | Persecution | To suffer as a result of being different |
160 | Perversion | Behavior or thinking as a result of rejecting the Lord's authority |
161 | Pharisee | A strict observer of traditional and written law |
162 | Pleasure | Is Pleasure a Good thing? |
163 | Political Message | Messages to Politicians |
164 | Politicize | To attempt to effect policy in every area of life |
165 | Polytheism | Belief in or acceptance of many gods |
166 | Prayer Proximity | Understanding where God is |
167 | Predator | An organism that obtains food by the killing and consuming of other organisms |
168 | Pride Or Power | When we Rebuke and Exhort is it Pride or Power |
169 | Principle Prostitution | The sacrifice of Principle for gain |
170 | Pronouns | A word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase |
171 | Providence | The foreseeing care and guidance of God |
172 | Public Education | Government funded education facilities, and curriculum |
173 | Racism Fleshism | Racism is a byproduct of walking by Sight |
174 | Reality | The state of things as they actually exist |
175 | Rebellion | Resistence to Authority , Non-Conformity |
176 | Relationship | The state of being connected by blood or marriage. |
177 | Reset Button | Hitting the Reset Button |
178 | Resist Anti Christ | Should we resist satan physically? |
179 | Revival And Riot | What happens when Truth shows up |
180 | Revival Or Return | Will there be revival or will the Lord return soon |
181 | Salt | That which enhances flavor and quality of experience |
182 | Sane | Of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill. |
183 | Satan | The opposer/adversary (aka Devil ) (formerly Lucifer) |
184 | Saviour | Our redeemer - Jesus |
185 | Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites | Enemies of Truth |
186 | Scripture | Rightly dividing the inspired Word of God |
187 | Shades Of Gray | Black or White vs Shades of Gray |
188 | Sign | Someting that signifies or validates |
189 | Sin Conscious | Aware of Sin, thinking of Lust and Guilt. |
190 | Socialism | The god and Political arm of the Religion of Secular Humanism |
191 | Social Repentance | Things that Society must change in order to be saved |
192 | Social Worker | A paid knock-off of a practicing Christian |
193 | Sowing | To Sow Seed |
194 | Spirit Baptism | Being baptised with the Holy Spirit |
195 | Sports Support Prostitution | Supporting Education or Professional Institutions that Fight against God |
196 | Sugar | Something that obscures the natural flavor with sweetness |
197 | Sword Of The Spirit | The Word of the Lord is the sword which the Holy Spirit wields |
198 | Systemic Unbelief | Unbelief resulting from a corrupted Gospel message |
199 | The Forecast | What the future holds |
200 | Tithe | Ten percent of increase |
201 | Tone | The general character or attitude of a sound or piece of writing |
202 | Traitor | A person who works against their own country |
203 | True Holiness | The Manifested Spirit of God |
204 | Trump Coarseness | The gift and cost of being coarse |
205 | Truth | Jesus is the Truth |
206 | TULIP | Calvinism principles |
207 | UMC | United Methodist Church |
208 | Urban Disease | Spritual disease that thrives in Urban areas |
209 | Vail of Darkness | To be lifted by the Return of Christ |
210 | Victim | One that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment |
211 | Water | A colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that is absolutely necessary for life |
212 | Water Baptism | Baptised in water as a symbol of dying to the old life and being Born Again |
213 | Western Civilization | White European Christian Religion, Government and Society |
214 | Wicked Culture | 7 Reasons Pastors Stay Silent in Our Wicked Culture |
215 | Willful Sin | Rejection of God's Law by removing the Sin label |
216 | Will Of God | The plan, intent or purpose of our Creator |
217 | Will We Repent | Will there be massive repentance and turning to God |
218 | Wish | When you Wish upon a star |
219 | Witchcraft | Communication with the Devil or with a familiar spirits |
220 | Word Of Faith | Faith in Gods Word connects us with His Power |
221 | Word Of His Power | That force which upholds all things in the universe |
222 | Work | Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result |
223 | Wrath | God's fixed, controlled, passionate feeling against sin. .. a settled indignation |