When the word 'sin' comes up there are several different emotions that arise:
→ shame
→ defensiveness
→ rebellion
→ guilt
→ sorrow
→ revulsion
→ titillation
We know that our Lord is
→ holy
→ good
→ giving
→ selfless
→ beautiful
→ helping
→ merciful
→ healing
Comparing the emotions surrounding sin with the nature of our Lord there is one over-arching point to be made: Sin is all about self while our Lord is all about others.
When the Lord told Moses to tell pharaoh that "I Am" had sent him, He was contrasting Himself with all the pretense of pharaoh.
→ was a sinful man
→ adorned himself with gold, precious stones and finery
→ commanded men to worship and serve him
→ lived under threat of death
Our Lord
→ is holy
→ is the precious creator of beauty
→ is worthy of all worship
→ is EternalLife
Whereas pharaoh was a poser of that which is glorious and powerful, the Lord revealed Himself to pharaoh as the 'real deal'. He was telling pharaoh that He, Creator God, is all that pharaoh imagined and desired to be.
Sin is a poser. It sells itself as good and satisfying while in reality it is evil generating more evil. It is a roller-coaster of highs and lows centered on self-gratification. It never ends well.
Our Lord provided Adam and Eve with an innumerable host of good things to enjoy. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil (TKGE) was the one thing that was forbidden.
Why was it forbidden? Because
→ It was not good.
→ It was not satisfying.
→ It resulted in all the emotions mentioned above
→ It resulted in animosity between man and his Creator.
→ It resulted in Spiritual Death
→ It put man in bondage.
→ It condemned man to Hell.
Stepping back from the emotionalism surrounding sin and looking at it from the fundamental perspective of good and evil, we understand that it really represents a departure from life into death.
At the end of the day sin is deceit from the deceiver. It is a thief which steals, kills and destroys.
Our Heavenly Father
→ truly loves us.
→ wants us to be free
→ wants us to experience Eternal Life.