[ Created: 2010-06-05 13:22:25  Updated: 2021-10-16 11:32:17 Owner: rl ]
Title: Worship of idols or false gods    



Why has mankind always worshipped gods of some sort?   

The Creator God (who has manifested Himself in the Flesh as Christ Jesus ) made man for Relationship.   Man needs God.   

God is Life , Love and Beauty.   But He is also Holy.   

Once Sin entered into the Human genome, the True and Living God became offensive to man.   He still needed to Worship but he needed it on his own terms.   

So, man created his own gods with whom he had performance based relationship.   

When there were disruptions in Nature man created gods who controlled these disruptions.   

When man wanted to be immoral he created immoral gods such as Venus , Aphrodite.   

But the root of all Pagan gods and goddesses is man`s desire to justify himself, to live with only self-imposed standards and, in essence, worship himself.   

Secular Humanism is the ultimate Pagan Religion.   It binds itself to no other god or fixed standards.   It is a law unto itself, able to adapt its ethics to meet its current needs, desires and objectives with no guilt for conflicts in its own shifting standards over time.